What is bipolar disorder?

At a glance

People who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder describe experiencing alternating periods of high mood and low mood.

During periods of high mood, people may feel very happy and optimistic about themselves, their life and their capabilities. People experience high levels of energy and may not need to sleep. Some people describe “living in the moment” and are willing to take risks that they do not normally take. When this occurs, the person may need help to prevent them acting in a way that causes them loss or harm. The medical term used to describe this experience is “mania”.

During periods of low mood, people may experience overwhelming sadness and hopelessness. They may find it difficult to sleep, lose their appetite and struggle to do the things that they usually do. They may not want to spend time with other people. Sometimes people think about ending their life and may need help to keep them safe. The medical term used to describe this experience is “depression”.

The experiences of people who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder vary greatly from person to person. The intensity, duration and gaps between mood changes can be very different.

Some people are able to continue with their usual activities and others have experiences and beliefs that are not real for other people, which is described as psychosis. The best source of information about the person’s experiences is the person.

A worker should … if they notice something that concerns them … be asking the person for information about what they are experiencing.

- A person with lived experience of a mental health condition


Black Dog Institute
The Black Dog Institute aims to reduce the incidence and stigma of mental illness and empower everyone to live the most mentally healthy lives possible. This site includes facts and information about bipolar disorder, its causes and treatments, and how to seek help.

Bipolar disorder: Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides an overview of bipolar disorder, the causes, symptoms and treatment options. The site also provides a guide to support people experiencing bipolar disorder, their family, friends and carers.
Type: Fact sheets
Reading time: 5 minutes
Produced by: SANE Australia

What is a bipolar mood disorder? (Translated Fact Sheets)
This fact sheet “What is a bipolar disorder” is available with translations in a range of languages.
Type: Fact sheet
Length: 6 pages
Produced by: Mental Health in Multicultural Australia
Translations: Yes

A young person's experience of living with a mental illness - Wagga Wagga
In this video, Samantha gives a personal account of living with bipolar disorder and her thoughts on how people can best be supported.
Type: Video | Closed captions
Viewing time: 3.03 minutes
Produced by: Mental Health Commission of NSW

Current as at: Wednesday 21 September 2022
Contact page owner: Mental Health