Mental health organisations and advocacy groups

If you are a consumer - a person with a lived experience of mental illness - or are a family member or carer of a consumer, you may be interested in participating in organisations that advocate and support the needs of consumers.

BEING: Mental Health Consumers

BEING Mental Health Consumers is the statewide peak organisation for people with a lived experience of mental illness and represents consumers to all levels of NSW Government. They work with consumers to achieve and support systemic change, and act as a bridge between mental health consumers and the government.
BEING gathers information from consumers' experiences to produce the evidence needed to lobby for changes to legislation and policy, and encourages consumers' input in decision making at all levels.
BEING: Mental Health Consumers
Office Hours:  Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Address: 108 Cathedral Street, Woolloomooloo, NSW 2011
Phone: 1300 234 640

National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum

The National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum (NMHCCF) was established in recognition of the need for mental health consumer and carer involvement at the highest level of policy development.
The NMHCCF has 28 members consisting of 14 mental health consumers and 14 mental health carers. The forum allows the fostering of a partnership between consumers and carers, and their input into the mental health sector including reform of mental health policy and service delivery in Australia.
Members represent mental health consumers and carers on many national, government, professional and advisory groups and committees, and also at consultative forums and events.
National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum
Postal address: PO Box 174, Deakin West ACT 2600
Phone: (02) 6285 3100

Mental Health Carers NSW

Mental Health Carers NSW (formerly Arafmi NSW) is the peak body for mental health carers in NSW and represents carers interests. MHCN regularly consults with carers all over the state to gather opinions and experiences so they can provide feedback on policies and services on behalf of carers to the Ministry of Health and other government bodies. By influencing changes to policy, legislation and service provision, MHCN aims to make a difference to the mental health system for carers.
There are different ways to get involved with MHCN, including volunteering for:
  • carer advocacy and engagement opportunities
  • report and submission writing
  • general administration duties
  • research projects
  • fundraising initiatives
  • assisting in training, workshop, event planning and facilitation.

Mental Health Carers NSW
Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.30pm (excl public holidays)
Address: Building C, Suite 202, 33 Saunders Street, Pyrmont, NSW 2009
Phone: (02) 9332 0777

Carers Connection Line
1300 554 660
For information, referrals and support 

Mental Health Australia

Mental Health Australia is the peak, national non-government organisation representing and promoting the interests of the Australian mental health sector and committed to achieving better mental health for all Australians.

Mental Health Australia members include national organisations representing consumers, carers, special needs groups, clinical service providers, public and private mental health service providers, researchers and state/territory community mental health peak bodies.

Mental Health Australia aims to promote mentally healthy communities, educate Australians on mental health issues, influence mental health reform, conduct research on mental health issues, and carry out regular consultation to represent the best interests of its members, partners and the community.

Mental Health Australia
Street Address: ALIA House, 1st Floor, 9-11 Napier Close,  Deakin ACT 2600
Postal Address: PO Box 174, Deakin West  ACT  2600
Phone: (02) 6285 3100
Fax: (02) 6285 2166 

​​NSW Mental Health Consumer Peer Workforce Committee (CPWC)

The NSW Mental Health Consumer Peer Workforce Committee (formerly known as the NSW Mental Health Consumer Workers' Committee) was established by consumer workers in 1998 and is supported by the NSW Ministry of Health. The CPWC provides support, leadership and advocacy for the NSW public mental health peer (consumer) workforce.


The Committee aims to empower and professionalise the NSW peer workforce to deliver high quality, person centred care to consumers accessing public mental health services. The committee operates in a peer-led collaborative model and shares resources that support peer work best practice. The key roles of the committee are to:

  • Plan and host the annual two-day NSW Health Consumer Peer Workers Forum in partnership with Being NSW
  • Provide lived experience expertise on systemic issues relevant to the public mental health peer workforce
  • Support Local Health Districts and Specialty Health Networks to embed contemporary practice - including consumer-led care, recovery-oriented practice and trauma informed care
  • Connect and share information with the peer workforce through regular meetings and newsletters

Peer workers are employees of NSW Health who have a personal lived experience of mental health issues and recovery.  Peer workers are employed in various roles in Local Health Districts and Specialty Health Networks. The CPWC includes peer work representatives from each District and Network in NSW.

Current as at: Monday 10 January 2022
Contact page owner: Mental Health