The Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) has a statewide brief to work with doctors, nurses, other health professionals, managers and the community to promote improvements in health service delivery and to translate innovative ideas into sustainable system-wide change proposals. It does this through a Statewide Clinical Council and 24 clinical networks, each focusing on a specific area of care.
NSW Ambulance is committed to providing high quality clinical care and health related transport services to over 7.25 million people in NSW, distributed across an area of 801,600 square kilometres. The average number of ambulance responses increased by 1.5 per cent over the past year. Factors contributing to increased activity include population growth, an ageing population and the associated increase in rates of illness.
The role of the Bureau is to provide independent reports to government, the community and healthcare professionals on the performance of the NSW public health system, including safety and quality, effectiveness, efficiency, cost and responsiveness of the system to the health needs of the people of NSW.
Established under the
Cancer Institute (NSW) Act 2003 to lessen the impact of cancer across the State, the Cancer Institute NSW is Australia’s first statewide government cancer agency. Its statutory objectives are to reduce the incidence of cancer in the community, increase survival from cancer, and improve the quality of life for people with cancer and their carers and provide a source of expertise on cancer control for the government, health service providers, medical researchers and the general community.
The Clinical Excellence Commission (CEC) is a board-governed statutory health corporation with the CEO reporting directly to the NSW Minister for Health. The CEC was established in 2004 and forms a major component of the Patient Safety and Clinical Quality Program that was designed to provide a comprehensive quality improvement and patient safety program across NSW. A key role of the Clinical Excellence Commission is building capacity for quality and safety improvement in Health Services. This is driven through training and education initiatives such as Clinical Practice Improvement and Patient Safety programs.
HETI supports and promotes coordinated education and training across NSW Health. HETI works to ensure that world-class education and training resources are available to support the full range of roles across the public health system including patient care, administration and support services. HETI's mission is to pursue excellence in health education and training and workforce capability to improve the health of patients and the working lives of NSW Health staff.
Health Infrastructure was established in June 2007. Health Infrastructure's role was identified as the delivery and management of major capital works projects and programmes of projects of $10M and above on behalf of the NSW Ministry of Health. Health Infrastructure is supported by an Executive Board who provide overall strategic guidance in the delivery of major health projects for the state and reports to the Secretary, Ministry of Health. The Board Members each offer specialised expertise in areas of health and infrastructure delivery.
HealthShare NSW provides common shared services across corporate, technology and disability services to NSW Health customers in an innovative, efficient and cost effective manner. HealthShare NSW provides extensive statewide services including implementing the latest IT health information systems, the provision of payroll and accounts payable functions, supporting patient care through food and linen services and assisting people with a disability to live and participate in the community.
The Mental Health Commission of NSW is an independent body which helps drive reform that benefits people who experience mental illness and their families and carers. The Commission is working with the community towards sustained improvement in the support offered to people who experience mental illness and in their access to employment, education, housing, justice and general health care.
NSW Health Pathology is responsible for the provision of high quality, innovative public pathology and analytical science services across NSW. Pathology is a critical clinical and scientific service that is essential to supporting our health and judicial systems. NSW Pathology Laboratories are integrated within all Local Health Districts and Specialty Networks. A team of over 3,600 staff assist clinicians throughout NSW Health by providing timely and quality diagnostic results. Forensic and Analytical services provide critical support to coronial processes. NSW Health Pathology is dedicated to the advancement of public pathology and analytical services through a culture of continuous improvement and the support of research and innovation within laboratories.