Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) was created by Health Ministers in 2006, and funded by all governments on a cost sharing basis, to lead and coordinate health care safety and quality improvements in Australia. The Commission has an ongoing program of significant national activity with outcomes that are demonstrating direct patient benefit as well as creating essential underpinnings for ongoing improvement.
Australian Department of Health
The Department of Health has a diverse set of responsibilities, but throughout there is a common purpose, which is reflected in their Vision statement: Better health and active ageing for all Australians. The Department of Health aims to achieve their Vision through strengthening evidence-based policy advising, improving program management, research, regulation and partnerships with other government agencies, consumers and stakeholders.
Australia Primary Health Networks
In 2014-15 the Australian Government announced the establishment of Primary Health Networks (PHNs). PHNs are being established with the key objectives of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of medical services for patients, particularly those at risk of poor health outcomes; and improving coordination of care to ensure patients receive the right care in the right place at the right time.
NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet
The Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) leads the NSW public sector to deliver on the Government's commitments and priorities.
NSW Treasury
NSW Treasury was established in April 1824 and is the oldest continuing Government agency in Australia. The NSW Treasury advises the NSW Government on state financial management policy and reporting, on economic conditions and issues, and on industrial relations matters. NSW Treasury coordinates the State Budget, manages the State's financial assets, monitors the performance of the State's commercial agencies, implements industrial relations policy, and monitors and reviews policy, expenditure and budgets of NSW Government agencies.
Public Service Commission
The Public Service Commission (PSC) is charged with leading the sector in a transformation of culture, assisting agencies to properly reflect core sector values in their processes and services.
Health Care Complaints Commission
The Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) acts to protect public health and safety by dealing with complaints about health service providers in NSW. The Commission is committed to acting fairly to all parties involved in a complaint. The Commission's Code of Practice sets out what people can expect from the Commission.
Audit Office of NSW
The Audit Office of New South Wales is a statutory authority that conducts audits for the Auditor-General. The Auditor-General helps parliament hold government accountable for its use of public resources. The Audit Office conducts financial and performance audits, and examines allegations of serious and substantial waste of public money.
NSW Ombudsman
The NSW Ombudsman helps agencies within their jurisdiction to address problems with their performance. These problems may be uncovered by complaints from the public or by people who work for those agencies. Problems may also come to the Ombudsman's attention through their work in scrutinising agency systems, overseeing investigations or reviewing the delivery of services.
Independent Commission Against Corruption
The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) was established by the NSW Government in 1989 in response to growing community concerns about the integrity of public administration in NSW. The ICAC's principal functions are to investigate and expose corrupt conduct in the NSW public sector, actively prevent corruption through advice and assistance, and educate the NSW community and public sector about corruption and its effects.
Information and Privacy Commission
The Information and Privacy Commission (IPC) is an independent statutory authority that administers NSW legislation dealing with privacy and access to government information. The IPC was established to support the Information Commissioner and the Privacy Commissioner in fulfilling their legislative responsibilities and functions and to ensure individuals and agencies can access consistent information, guidance and coordinated training about information access and privacy matters.