The NSW Government is inviting applications from people interested in becoming a member of a Local Health District Board and Specialty Network Board. Members will be expected to actively contribute to the effective governance of these significant public sector organisations which provide a broad range of health services to the NSW community.
Local health districts (LHD) are responsible for the management of public hospital and health services within a designated geographic region. The geographic boundaries of the LHDs are:
- Central Coast
- Far West
- Hunter New England
- Illawarra Shoalhaven
- Mid North Coast
- Murrumbidgee
- Nepean Blue Mountains
- Northern NSW
- Northern Sydney
- South Eastern Sydney
- South Western Sydney
- Southern NSW
- Sydney
- Western NSW
- Western Sydney
The two specialist networks focus on children's and paediatric services, and justice health and forensic mental health..
For further background information on Local Health Districts and the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network and Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network please refer to
NSW Health website.
Role of district and network boards
Each district and network Board is responsible for establishing and oversighting an effective governance and risk management framework for the agency, setting its strategic directions, ensuring high standards of professional and ethical conduct are maintained, involving providers and the community in decisions that affect them, monitoring the service delivery and financial performance of the agency against its targets and holding the chief executive accountable for their performance.
These responsibilities include:
- delivering agreed services and performance standards within an agreed budget based on annual strategic and operating plans, and the agency Service Agreement
- ensuring the accountable and efficient provision of services and producing annual reports, subject to State financial accountability and audit frameworks
- monitoring LHD/ Network performance against the agreed performance monitoring measures in the Service Agreement
- improving local patient outcomes and responding to system-wide issues
- maintaining effective communication with State and relevant local stakeholders including clinicians and the community.
Role of local health district/network board members
The Members of LHD/Network Boards will contribute to the governance and oversight of the LHD/Network and represent the interests of consumers of health services and the local community.
Members will need to be knowledgeable about the LHD/Network the Board governs, its affairs and the environment in which it operates. The Chair is responsible for leading the Board and ensuring that the members of the Board work together as a cohesive team. All members of the Board will be appointed as independent individuals and will be required to act in the best interests of the Board and LHD/Network.
Skills and experience
Applicants are required to complete the Expression of Interest form and submit an up to date Curriculum Vitae. In completing the Expression of Interest applicants must nominate one (1) area of expertise which the applicant considers would be the area of most significant contribution as a member of a Board. Applicants may include details of broader expertise in their Curriculum Vitae.
Significant expertise or qualifications may be in
one of the following disciplines:
- Corporate governance
(e.g. legal, compliance, strategic planning, audit, risk management, organisational culture and ethics - Health management/ Health administration
- Business/finance management/ public administration
(e.g. asset management, accounting, information technology, human resource, marketing and senior public sector management) - Clinical practice/provision of health services to patients
(medical, nursing, allied health and other health professionals and paraprofessionals) - Expertise, knowledge or experience in relation to Aboriginal health
- Understanding of local community issues
- Understanding of or experience in primary health care.
An annual fee will be paid to members of Governing Boards in line with the NSW Public Service Commission Classification and Remuneration Framework for NSW Government.
Appointed Board members are eligible for remuneration of $20,000 per annum in accordance with the Premier's Memorandum 2013-06 NSW Government Boards and Committees Guidelines.
Public sector employees are not eligible for remuneration if appointed as a Board member.
Term of appointment
LHD/Network Board members will be appointed for a term up to 5 years. They may be eligible for reappointment for an additional term.
Public sector employee applicants
Health service staff may be appointed to a Board. Shortlisted applicants who are members of the NSW Health Service or are public sector employees may be asked to provide a copy of their current job description and to provide further information as a part of the short listing process outlining:
- that there is no material conflict of interest between their position and the role of the Board
- that the Board’s duties will not be undertaken as part of the individual’s functions as a public sector employee and that the work involved as a part of the Board can be, and will be, performed in the employee’s own time.
Selection of board members
The membership of each LHD/Network Board will be selected to ensure a balanced membership that has the right mix of skills, knowledge, attributes and expertise to oversee and provide guidance to a large and complex organisation. Each board will be appointed with a balance of individuals with experience in the provision of health services and an ability to represent the interests of consumers of health services and the local community.
It is also NSW Government policy that the membership of boards and committees should reflect the interests of the community as a whole, including women, people of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, people with a disability or special needs, and young people.
The capacity of candidates to contribute time to the workload and demands of a board will also be a factor in the final selection process. The number of other positions on similar boards and committees will also be considered so that recommended candidates are not overburdened.
Applicants should be aware that the Boards may meet on a monthly basis and members will be expected to attend. Board members will also be expected, on occasions, to attend community meetings or events, in a representative capacity, thereby strengthening the community process, the Board and the community it serves.
Selection process
Applications which are incomplete or do not answer the criteria will be excluded from the process. Applications that meet the selection criteria will be assessed based on the applicant’s EOI and curriculum vitae and a shortlist will be created. The Minister for Health determines the final appointments to the Boards.
Referee reports
As a part of the application, applicants are asked to nominate 2 referees (including their positions) who can discuss the applicant in relation to the skills and qualifications and responsibilities of the position if required.
Accepted applicants
Accepted applications will be included on the NSW Health Board Register for Local Health District and Specialty Network Boards. The Register will be used to fill vacancies on Local Health District and Specialty Network Boards.
Probity checks for shortlisted applicants
Appointees to government boards and committees need to have records of personal, professional and commercial integrity. Applicants subject to appointment will be required to complete a satisfactory national criminal record check and checked against the NSW Government Lobby Register as part of the selection process. Checks will also be undertaken of the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) Register of persons prohibited / disqualified from managing corporations and of the Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia (ITSA) National Personal Insolvency Index or are not insolvent.
Appointees to NSW Health boards and committees are required to have received two doses of a TGA approved or recognised COVID-19 vaccine and will be required to provide vaccination status evidence if successful.
Standards of conduct
Board members will be expected to adhere to public sector standards and principles of conduct in order to ensure public confidence and trust in the Board is maintained.
All Board members need a clear understanding of their public duty and legal responsibilities and must act for the proper purpose without exceeding their powers.
Board members must ensure the efficient and responsible expenditure of public funds in accordance with government legislation, policy and guidelines.
Pecuniary or other interests of a member that may be in conflict with their role as a member of LHD/Network Board must be disclosed and managed in accordance with public sector standards. This may include registering the interest and abstaining from decisions that relate to the interest of the member.
Information provided in your application – privacy issues
The NSW Ministry of Health is collecting your personal information to assess your suitability for appointment to a LHD/Network Board. As part of the appointment process your personal information will be held confidentially and will only be disclosed to persons involved in the short listing and appointment process.
Your information will be handled in a secured manner and will only be accessed as required. Your information will also be used in a de-identified format in order to:
- meet whole of Government reporting requirements
- enable the Government to monitor the diversity of appointments to and composition of statutory and other bodies to which the Government makes appointments; and,
- allow accurate reporting on the profile of public sector entity Board and Committee memberships of the State’s public sector entities.
If you are appointed to a NSW Health Board, the following information will be made available to the public on a NSW Government website and within press releases issued by the Minister for Health and NSW Health:
- first name and surname
- the term of current appointment;
- the position held, for example, Member/Chair
- the name and address of the Local Health District/Network; and,
- the contact details of the Local Health District/Network.
How to express an interest
In order to be considered for inclusion on the NSW Health Local Health District and Specialty Network Board Register interested persons must complete an expression of interest form and provide a current curriculum vitae.
Expression of Interest may be submitted by:
Attn: EOI Membership NSW Health Boards
Corporate Governance and Risk Management
NSW Ministry of Health
Locked Mail Bag 2030
St Leonards NSW 1590
Further information and the Expression of Interest form is available from the
Expressions of Interest - Membership of NSW Health Boards.
For further information please call 1800 328 998