Board membership
Local Health District Boards and Specialty Network Boards consist of 6 to 13 members appointed by the Minister for Health. The selection criteria for board members aims to ensure an appropriate mix of skills and expertise to oversee and provide guidance to large, complex organisations. These include:
- expertise and experience in matters such as health, financial or business management;
- expertise and experience in the provision of clinical and other health services;
- representatives of universities, clinical schools or research centres;
- knowledge and understanding of the community; and
- other background, skills, expertise, knowledge or experience appropriate for the organisation
- understanding of or experience in primary care
- at least one member must have expertise, knowledge or experience in relation to Aboriginal health
Members of a Local Health District Board or Specialty Network Board are appointed as independent individuals and are required to act in the best interests of the board and the Local Health District or Specialty Network.
When expressions of interest are called for both Chairpersons and general members of Local Health District or Specialty Network Boards advertisements are placed in major metropolitan and regional newspapers calling for individuals with requisite skills.
For details about lodging an expression of interest to be included on the NSW Health Local Health District and Specialty Network Board Register please go to Expressions of Interest - Membership of NSW Health Boards. The register will be used to fill vacancies on local health district and specialty network boards.
If you have any questions please see the frequently asked questions about board appointments or contact the Ministry's Corporate Governance and Risk Management by email
NSW Government board and committees
In addition to the Local Health District Boards and Specialty Network Boards, to support the NSW Government’s commitment to increasing diversity in the membership of public sector boards and committees the Department of Premier and Cabinet also maintains a register of people who are interested in serving on NSW Government boards and committees. Should you be interested in registering please go to the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet website to join the NSW Government Register for Boards and Committees.