On this page
For urgent help
Health services
Health information and services by topics
Other support
For urgent help
24/7 Phone helplines
- In case of fire, medical or police emergency, dial 000
Kids Helpline (up to age of 25 years) 1800 55 1800
Lifeline 13 11 14
Health services
Aboriginal Medical Services (AMS)
Provide a range of health services (including free medical services, social and emotional wellbeing support, sexual health, dental health) for the local Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities. They can also help young people to get a Medicare card and give general advice. To find your local AMS in NSW go to
Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council or phone 02 9212 4777
General practitioners, hospitals or pharmacy
Search for your local service at
National Health Services Directory or
Healthdirect Australia offers free
after hours support on 1800 022 222
Youth health services
Health information and services by topics
Alcohol and other drugs information and services
Medicare card resources
Youth friendly Medicare card resource (How to get your own Medicare card)
Mental Health
Out of Home care
Leaving out-of-home care information for young people
Supporting students in schools
Department of Education– schooling (information about public education, including school finders, calendar, school operational status, key initiatives)
Sexual and reproductive health
Sexual assault and domestic/family violence
Transition care for young people with chronic illness
General health information and healthy lifestyle support
Other support
Link2Home (24/7) 1800 152 152
The service is for people who are homeless or who are worried they will become homeless, as well as for advocates acting on a person's behalf. NSW statewide homelessness information, assessment and referral telephone
LGBTI young people
Young carers