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Governance roles
Governance Framework
Local governance
Statewide WHIN Coordinator Program Implementation Group
Health and Education Supporting Student Health and Wellbeing MOU Strategic Group
Health and Education MOU Governance Group
Governance roles
The NSW Ministry of Health is responsible for funding and delivering the WHIN Coordinator program across NSW. The NSW Ministry of Health oversees the design and statewide implementation and evaluation of the program. NSW Health local health districts and Albury Wodonga Health are responsible for the employment and management of wellbeing nurses and the implementation and performance of the program in their area. The NSW Department of Education partners with NSW Health to deliver the program in over 400 NSW public schools.
The NSW Department of Education and NSW Health have agreed how the program is delivered in schools. The NSW Department of Education is responsible for communicating this to NSW Department of Education staff, families and the community.
Governance Framework
Alternative text
Four levels of governance for the WHIN Coordinator program with the highest level shown at the top and the lowest level at the bottom
- Health and Education MOU Governance Group
- Supporting Student Health and Wellbeing MOU Strategic Group
- Statewide WHIN Coordinator Program Implementation Group
- Local Governance WHIN Coodinator Program Groups.
The purpose and membership of each of the governance levels is described below.
Local governance
Joint local WHIN Coordinator program groups meet at least once a quarter to oversee and review local delivery of the WHIN Coordinator program and manage local issues. The groups consider aspects of program delivery, including planning, program performance, program issues and strategies to improve delivery (Appendix 5). Membership includes school principals from the participating schools (or delegate), NSW Department of Education Directors, Educational Leadership (or delegate), wellbeing nurses’ line managers and wellbeing nurses. Meetings are jointly organised and co-chaired by the local health district wellbeing nurses’ manager and Director, Educational Leadership or their delegate.
The local WHIN Coordinator program groups report to the Statewide WHIN Coordinator Program Implementation Group on implementation and delivery of the WHIN Coordinator program. Issues that cannot be resolved by the local committee can be escalated to the Statewide WHIN Coordinator Program Implementation Group.
Statewide WHIN Coordinator Program Implementation Group
The Statewide WHIN Coordinator Program Implementation Group meets once per quarter to oversee the statewide implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the WHIN Coordinator program. Membership includes representatives from metropolitan and rural/regional local health districts, the NSW Ministry of Health Mental Health Branch, the Office of Regional Youth, Department of Communities and Justice, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation from Health and Education, and Primary Health Networks. The Group is co-chaired by NSW Ministry of Health and the Department of Education.
The Group reports quarterly to the Supporting Student Health and Wellbeing MOU Strategic Group on the progress of the program implementation. Issues that cannot be resolved by the group are escalated to the Supporting Student Health and Wellbeing MOU Strategic Group.
Health and Education
Supporting Student Health and Wellbeing MOU Strategic Group
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between NSW Health and NSW Department of Education details the collaborative approach the departments take to maintaining and strengthening student health and wellbeing across NSW. The MOU consolidates governance across many Health and Education programs, including the WHIN Coordinator program. The Strategic Group’s membership includes Executive Directors and Directors responsible for programs included in the MOU and reports to the Health and Education MOU Governance Group.
Health and Education MOU Governance Group
The Health and Education MOU Governance Group is the final decision maker and point of escalation. Members include Deputy Secretaries from NSW Health and NSW Department of Education and relevant Executive Directors leading priorities under the Health and Education Supporting Student Health and Wellbeing MOU 2021 - 2024.