If the referral to the program is accepted, the wellbeing nurse:
- attempts to contact the parent/carer/guardian/student via the most appropriate and effective means of communication to make introductions, discuss the referral to the WHIN Coordinator program, and offer them an appointment
- identifies and addresses any barriers with the client and/or family that may prevent them from attending the appointment
- negotiates with parent/carer/guardian/student a time and date to meet face-to-face or via virtual care (video, telephone consultation) as appropriate. Further guidance is provided in the
Modes of service delivery section of the Guideline.
- if a video consultation is elected, sends a video conference link to parent/carer/guardian/student via text or email with instructions on how to access the link
- provides the parent/carer/guardian/student with a link to or a printed copy of the Wellbeing Nurse Consent Form (Appendix 4), Wellbeing Nurse Information flyer
Privacy Leaflet for Patients and/or
We keep it zipped resource
- assists parent/guardian/student to complete the Consent Form if required.
Unable to contact client, offer declined or failure to attend
The wellbeing nurse follows local health district protocols regarding attempts to contact a client, declined offer of service and non-attendance at scheduled appointments.
Accessing the WHIN Coordinator program is voluntary and clients can decline the offer. If the client declines the offer of service, the wellbeing nurse informs the referrer that the offer of the service has been declined.
For clients who are unable to be contacted, have declined the offer of service or failed to attend scheduled appointments, the wellbeing nurse considers all available information to determine if there may be a risk of significant harm (ROSH) to a child or young person and, if required, initiates appropriate action as outlined in the
Child wellbeing and protection section of the Guideline.
Clients can be re-referred to the WHIN Coordinator program if identified concern re-emerges or a new concern arises.