Alternative text
School/parent/carer/guardian/student refers to the WHIN Coordinator program.
If the referral does not meet eligibility criteria:
- the referrer is informed
- alternate care for client is suggested if appropriate
- the client discharged if required.
If the referral meets eligibility criteria, the client is contacted and offered an appointment with wellbeing nurse.
If the client is unable to be contacted or the client declines the offer of an appointment or does not attend their appointments:
- the referrer is informed
- alternate care for client is suggested if appropriate
- client discharged if required.
If the client accepts offer of appointment:
- the school learning and support/ wellbeing team/school principal/ school executive is informed of accepted student referral
- parental or client consent is obtained
- client information is gathered, assessments conducted, health and wellbeing needs and required supports identified.
If the client does not require referral to health services or declines offer of support/referral to services:
- health care information is provided to client as required
- client is discharged from service
- school learning and support/ wellbeing team/school principal/school executive is informed of discharge as required.
If the client requires referral to health/community services and client accepts offer of referral to service/s:
- client is referred to and supported to access service/s as required
- case conferences and communication between services is coordinated
- client is discharged from service
- school learning and support/wellbeing team/school principal/school executive is informed of discharge as required.