On this page
Appendix 1: Criteria for selection of WHIN Coordinator program school
Appendix 2: Health and community services and programs
Appendix 3: Referral Form
Appendix 4: Consent forms
Appendix 5: Guidance for resolving school -level issues
Appendix 1: Criteria for selection of WHIN Coordinator program school
Health information
- SEIFA ranking (ABS)
- Intentional self-harm hospitalisations (NSW HealthStats)
- Interpersonal violence related hospitalisations (NSW HealthStats)
- Mental health data - Suicides.
- Bushfire and Drought affected areas
- Sense check with local health district services:
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services/Child Youth Mental Health Services
- School Link Coordinator
- Child and Family Health and Youth Health services
- Integrated Violence Abuse and Neglect services
- Eating Disorders Coordinator
- Integrated Violence Abuse and Neglect services
Education information
Other factors for consideration
- Number of school enrolments
- Proximity of school sites to each other
- School readiness
- Local health and community services systems and referral networks.
Appendix 2: Health and community services and programs
NSW Health services and programs
Alcohol and other drugs (smoking and vaping)
Allied health
- Audiology
- Occupational therapy
- Orthoptics
- Orthoptists
- Physiotherapy
- Psychology
- Speech pathology
- Social workers
Chronic illness and disability
Agency for Clinical Innovation Transition to Care Network
Emergency care
Emergency Departments
Health promotion
Specialist Trans and Gender Diverse Health Services
Mental health
NSW Health Care Interpreting Services
Oral health
Paediatric community and in-patient services
Prevention and Response to Violence Abuse and Neglect
NSW Refugee Health Service
Sexual health
School based
Young people
Youth Health Services
External services
Alcohol and other drugs (smoking and vaping)
Quitline 13 7848 (13 QUIT)
Allied health
- Audiology
- Occupational therapy
- Orthoptics
- Orthoptists
- Physiotherapy
- Psychology
- Speech pathology
- Social workers
Chronic illness and disability
General Practices
Health Direct - Find a GP (General Practice)
Mental health
Primary Health Networks
NSW Primary Health Networks
Sexual Health
Family Planning NSW
Young people
Appendix 3: Referral form
Download the sample referral form
Appendix 4: Consent forms
Download the sample consent forms
Appendix 5: Guidance for resolving school level issues
Alternative text
Principal, DEL and/or Local Health District requests withdrawal of WHIN Coordinator Program from school.
The local governance group and/or local health district manager and Director, Educational Leadership consider the reasons for the request to withdraw the program, the availability of other existing school supports for students and potential impacts on the school community.
If the local governance group and or local health district manager and Director, Educational Leadership do not agree to withdraw the program from the school, the local health district manager, wellbeing nurse, Director, Educational Leadership and school principal work together to resolve issues or identify alternative solutions/arrangements that meet program delivery requirements.
If local governance group and/or local health district manager and Director, Educational Leadership agree to withdraw the program from school:
- the local governance group and/or local health district manager and Director, Educational Leadership identify and agree on replacement school within agreed local health district /Education boundary catchment, using school selection criteria for the program (Appendix 1)
- the local health district manager and Director, Educational Leadership submit proposal and rationale for school withdrawal and replacement school to the NSW Ministry of Health (Ministry) and NSW Department of Education (the Department) for approval.
If the Ministry and/or the Department does not approve the withdrawal program from the school
- the local health district manager, wellbeing nurse , Director, Educational Leadership and school principal work together to resolve issues or identify alternate solutions/arrangements that meet program delivery requirements
- the program continues to be delivered at the school.
If the Ministry and/or the Department approves the withdrawal of the program form the school:
- the local health manager, Director, Educational Leadership, wellbeing nurse, school principal determine how to manage potential impacts on school community due to the program withdrawal
- the wellbeing nurse and school principal informs the school community about the withdrawal of the program, arranges alternate supports for clients if required and discharges them from program
- the wellbeing nurse and principal of replacement school plan program implementation and communicate information about the program to the school community
- the replacement school inducts wellbeing nurse to school site
- the Program commences in replacement school.
Alternative text
School/wellbeing nurse report program implementation issues.
The local health district manager, Director, Educational Leadership and school principal identify, agree on resolution and oversee implementation of resolution in school.
If the issues are resolved, the program continues to be delivered.
If the issues are not resolved:
- the local governance group and/or local health district manager, Director, Educational Leadership and school principal identify and agree on temporary change to program delivery while issues are being resolved and document rationale for decisions on options (e.g. pause in program delivery in school, temporarily deliver program from alternate site)
- the local health district manager and Director, Educational Leadership submit proposal and rationale for temporary changes to program delivery to Ministry and Department for approval
- the wellbeing nurse/school principal informs school community about temporary changes to program delivery.
If the issues remain unresolved, the steps for withdrawing the program from a school are followed.