Children Young People and Families Executive Steering Committee (CYPFESC)
The CYPFESC met on 7 February 2023. Committee members discussed their future workplan and how to build on progress in improving services for children, young people and families. They also discussed the Brighter Beginnings reforms, particularly the Health and Development Checks in Preschools, and the health system's readiness. The Committee considered updates on the Review of the Children's Healthcare Network, Paediatric Rehabilitation, and the Measuring Progress project.
The committee's youth consumer representative opened the meeting with his personal story of navigating the health system through childhood and the challenges of transitioning from paediatric to adult health services.
Brighter Beginnings
Brighter Beginnings is a cross-Government initiative focused on building a holistic system that works to lift developmental outcomes for all children in the first 2000 days of life. The Committee was briefed on developments relating to Brighter Beginnings initiatives, including the Health and Development Checks in Preschools, the Digital Baby Book, Pregnancy Family Conferencing and Sustaining NSW Families expansion.
Discussion focused on the implementation of the Health and Development Checks in Preschools (the Checks). The Checks will help to identify children who need more support earlier in life and assist in gaining a better statewide picture of the health and development needs of children in NSW. Together with the Department of Education, NSW Health is working with Local Health Districts and early childhood education providers on planning for the rollout of this initiative.
The Committee observed that the Checks are likely to lead to increased demand for health and other services to address children's health and development needs. Good referral pathways will need to be in place, so children get the help they need and so that earlier identification may reduce the need for services later on. Members noted the connections between the Checks program and other system priorities and emphasised the importance of a whole-of-system approach.
Review of the Children's Healthcare Network
The Children's Healthcare Network (CHN) review final report was delivered late 2022. The Ministry will contact Chief Executives of local health districts about consulting CHN staff on options to respond to the findings of the review.
Measuring progress
The project team is currently looking at how to use existing NSW Health datasets to identify priority outcomes for children and young people in NSW. The Ministry and ACI are working together to ensure this project leverages other priority data projects. The project will produce exemplar data reports.
Paediatric Rehabilitation
ACI has completed their project responding to Henry Review recommendations on paediatric rehabilitation.
Minimum standards and a resource kit have been developed that will support better coordination of paediatric rehabilitation services across NSW.
For more information
Contact Sarah Morton, Director, Disability, Youth and Paediatric Health, NSW Ministry of Health at