Children Young People and Families Executive Steering Committee (CYPFESC)
The meeting opened with a patient story that showcased the Pregnancy Family Conferencing program from Sydney Local Health District. Improvements have been observed in family functioning and the mental health of participating parents and caregivers. The program is being expanded across NSW, with a focus on regional areas. The committee noted that the collaborative nature of the service has had a positive impact on families.
The Children, Young People and Families Governance Structure
The committee considered a revised Children, Young People and Families governance structure for establishment in 2024. The need for separate committees for children and adolescents was discussed. A youth health committee is already established. It was agreed that a paediatrics, child and family committee was required in the governance structure.
The Children's Healthcare Network review
The proposed operational structure of the new Children's Healthcare Network (CHN) was supported by the committee. It will operate as a single entity with coverage across regional and metropolitan NSW. The importance of maintaining the current Paediatric CNC roles, which support effective statewide coverage, was noted. The new CHN will report to CYPFESC and be accountable to a workplan. The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network and John Hunter Children's Hospital will host the new CHN and provide joint governance. There will be an ongoing relationship between the new CHN and the Agency for Clinical Innovation and the Clinical Excellence Commission.
Healthcare and transition for young people
A new youth health governance structure is under development. The Youth Health and Wellbeing Lead Committee will include representatives from mental health and other relevant policy areas.
The committee was also consulted on the approach to updating the NSW Youth Health Framework 2017-24, which provides strategic direction for NSW Health services for adolescents and young adults (12-24 years).
Paediatric Service Capability (Paediatric Medicine and Surgery for Children)
The Paediatric Service Capability (Paediatric Medicine and Surgery for Children) GL2023_22 has been published. Resources to support implementation resources are being developed and will be available in 2024.
For more information
Contact Sarah Morton, Director, Disability, Youth and Paediatric Health, NSW Ministry of Health at