Children Young People and Families Executive Steering Committee (CYPFESC)
The CYPFESC met on 15 December 2022. The Committee considered the Review of the Children's Healthcare Network and Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) Henry Review Implementation Plan activities. They received an update on Measuring Progress, a project aiming to improve use of data relating to health services and outcomes for children, young people and families. One of the committee's consumer representatives opened the meeting with a story of one child and family's experience navigating the hospital system.
Monitoring delivery of the Henry Review Implementation Plan
In December the Committee received the first round of reporting on progress delivering Henry Review Implementation Plan and Paediatric Intensive Care and Neonatal Intensive Care (PICNIC) Action Plan actions. The report found:
- 67% of the 112 actions in the Henry and PICNIC implementation plans were either "completed" or "on track".
- The remainder of the actions were "on hold", pending completion of other projects or due for progression in 2023.
A snapshot annual report is being prepared that will provide more detail on progress delivering Henry and PICNIC actions, as well as case studies highlighting significant achievements. This report will be publicly available.
From 2023, project leads will provide regular reports to the Committee, themed by priority area. The next report will be in April 2023, and will focus on:
- Henry Review Implementation Plan Priority 5 – Workforce capacity and capability
- PICNIC action 1 – Support right care, right place, right time.
Review of the Children's Healthcare Network
The Children's Healthcare Network review final report has been delivered. The Ministry of Health and ACI are considering the findings and recommended response. The Committee discussed the final report and how to ensure that implementation of the review can most effectively support high quality healthcare for children in NSW. The Committee emphasised the importance of engaging with Children's Healthcare Network staff on next steps in responding to the report.
Measuring progress
The Committee considered a progress report on the Measuring Progress project. The project will identify a set of priority outcomes to monitor and report for children and young people up to 24 years, using currently available data. It will also provide advice about significant data gaps. A prototype data report will be produced, and a data framework developed which will provide an evidence base to inform future decisions and investment.
The Committee discussed the ambitious scope of the project and the need to align this work with other key data initiatives. A progress update will be provided at the February meeting.
For more information
Contact Sarah Morton, Director, Disability, Youth and Paediatric Health, NSW Ministry of Health at