Children Young People and Families Executive Steering Committee (CYPFESC)
The CYPFESC met on 30 August 2022. The Committee considered the initial findings of the Review of the Children's Healthcare Network and ACI Henry Review Implementation Plan activities. They noted the approach to monitoring and reporting for Henry Review Implementation Plan activities, and a data project relating to health services and outcomes for children, young people and families.
One of the committee's consumer representatives opened the meeting with two patient stories about families' experience of paediatric rehabilitation services.
Review of the Children's Healthcare Network
The review of the Children's Healthcare Network is underway. A range of health staff have contributed to the review, including medical, nursing and allied health and hospital executives. As work progresses further information will be provided, including to staff in the Children's Health Networks.
Henry Review Implementation Plan update by the Agency for Clinical Innovation
The Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) is exploring opportunities for rehabilitation services to be provided in local health districts (LHDs) in partnership with the Paediatric Rehabilitation Services (PRS) at Sydney Children's Hospitals Network and Hunter New England LHD. ACI is also using the principles of PRS to develop infrastructure and resources within smaller local health facilities (level 4 facilities).
The Committee welcomed this work, which will support children and young people to access paediatric rehabilitation locally. The Committee noted that this may provide a model for empowering generalist paediatric level 4 services to provide services usually delivered by sub-specialties. This would reduce the need for children, young people and families to travel or attend multiple facilities to access the support they need.
ACI also provided a report on progress of the activities considered at the previous meeting relating to ADHD. The activities are focused on improving intake, referrals, GP pathways and providing functional assessment reports for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Monitoring and reporting
The Ministry has developed a monitoring and reporting approach for the Committee to oversee implementation of Henry Review activities, identify opportunities, risks and future priorities. It will also support public reporting of NSW Health progress against the activities and the Henry Review recommendations.
Scoping data on health services and outcomes for children, young people and families
The Committee also heard about the commencement of a project to develop system level performance reporting on the health and wellbeing of children, young people and families. An independent consultant is conducting this project, which is due to report in June 2023.
For more information
Contact Sarah Morton, Director, Disability, Youth and Paediatric Health, NSW Ministry of Health at