The Children Young People and Families Executive Steering Committee (CYPFESC) met on 5 April 2022. CYPFESC members are listed in the October 2021 Henry Review Communiqué.
Key outcomes of 5 April 2022 meeting
The Committee:
- Noted the significant progress that NSW Health has already made against the Henry Review recommendations.
- Endorsed the Henry Review Implementation Plan (HRIP). Once approved by the Secretary of Health, the HRIP will be released on the NSW Health website and be the Committee's 2022 work plan.
- Agreed that the Committee will consider the reporting and monitoring framework for the HRIP at their meeting in August.
- Agreed to apply an equity lens and focus on the needs of priority populations to all HRIP activities.
- Endorsed the Governance Refresh Report, which examined the governance of NSW Health child, youth and family committees. The Committee will now engage with key governance groups across NSW Health to implement the recommendations of the report.
- Discussed the draft Communications Strategy outlining how the Committee will effectively communicate with NSW Health and its partners.
- Agreed that the Committee will incorporate patient and family stories into communication activities, to ensure people are at the centre of how the Committee describes system successes and challenges.
Developing a workforce with the right skills and knowledge to support children, young people and families
The Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) provided an update on progress on:
- Professional Development in Mental Health (HRIP activity 5.2)
- Professional Development in Nursing (HRIP activity 5.3).
Highlights included:
- Updating learning content, including developing new micro-credentialling, to support general practitioners' (GPs) skills and knowledge around supporting children and young people's mental health. 50 modules are now available for GPs on the HETI website.
- Developing a new navigator tool in My Health Learning to help the NSW Health workforce identify and access the learning content that addresses their priority learning needs.
- A scoping review has identified significant existing resources and training. HETI is now identifying what additional resources and training are needed to develop a workforce with the right skills and knowledge to support children, young people and families.
For more information
Contact Sarah Morton, Director, Disability, Youth and Paediatric Health, NSW Ministry of Health at