Services for babies and children
Where can I go for help after a child is diagnosed with a hearing loss?
When a hearing loss is confirmed by diagnostic audiology there are many things to be considered including intervention options (hearing aids, medical treatment, surgical intervention); communication choices (signing, speech, combination); education options (early intervention, education support, special schooling); and habilitation programs. Children and families need information and support to assist in making these decisions.
Hearing service providers, support groups and advocacy organisations will be able to provide assistance at this time. Diagnostic audiology service providers will be able to provide information about these services.
Depending on the level of hearing loss, the National Disability Insurance Scheme may provide funding for your child to access these services. For information regarding eligibility and service providers visit
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
NSW Department of Education also provides education support services to children who are deaf or hearing impaired in early intervention, mainstream and support classes.
At this time, families may also be interested in obtaining information from groups or agencies established to provide support to families and children with hearing problems. Healthcare providers and educators may be able to recommend support groups, advocacy bodies or associations that are relevant to individual circumstances.
Services for young people and adults
Where can I go for help after I have been diagnosed with a hearing problem?
When a hearing problem is confirmed by diagnostic audiology there are many things to be considered including intervention options (hearing aids, assistive listening devices; medical treatment, surgical intervention) and habilitation programs (lip reading, active listening, signing). You may also need support and information to assist in making these decisions.
Hearing service providers, support groups and advocacy organisations will be able to assist you at this time. Your diagnostic audiology service provider will be able to assist you in making recommendations for the most appropriate services and agencies to suit your needs.
Depending on the level of hearing loss, the National Disability Insurance Scheme may provide funding for you to access these services. For information regarding eligibility and service providers visit
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
The following may be of assistance with work issues such as training or retraining:
Disability Employment Services which provide work preparation support, training services, and job search support as well as access to help with workplace modification, support services, vocational training and other employment-related assistance.
TAFE NSW employs specialist Teacher Consultants to ensure that people with a disability have equal access to education and training at TAFE NSW campuses.
At this time, you may also be interested in obtaining information from groups or agencies established to support people with hearing problems. Healthcare providers may be able to recommend support groups, advocacy bodies or associations relevant to your circumstances.