Transcript of
The JMO recruitment process: interview to onboarding.
This video will prepare you for the next steps if your application is progressing to the interview stage. Please enter complete, accurate and up-to-date information in your application. This will ensure your application progresses without delay.
In this video, we'll cover: providing referee details, pre-employment checks, responding to preliminary and formal offers of employment and completing your onboarding tasks. You'll receive an email asking you to provide at least two referees, including a current or most recent supervisor. To do this, click on the link to create your account in Harver. Enter the details of your referees into the form then click Send Invite. The referee details entered will be made available across all positions you apply for. Ensure your referees are aware of your application and are available to complete reference checks for you.
You'll also receive an email asking about pre-employment checks, prompting you to log into the career portal to complete a series of tasks. These will vary, depending on the role you apply for and your individual circumstances. A new set of tasks will be assigned to you for each role your interview for. Even if you are a current NSW Health employee, you must complete all tasks assigned to you prior to attending your interview. It's crucial to enter accurate and up-to-date information for each task to ensure your application is able to progress. If information is entered incorrectly, the check will fail and your application will be delayed.
You should have the following information ready to complete your pre-employment check tasks: four forms of identification including at least 1 (one) form of photo ID, personal details including your residential addresses for the past five years and documentation of any name changes, evidence of Australian Work Rights, your NSW Working with Children Check clearance or application number, your Australian Medical Registration, and evidence of vaccination including COVID-19. If you don't have a Working with Children check clearance or application or Australian Medical registration, you can still complete the tasks However, you'll need to obtain this information as soon as possible, and submit it to the hiring manager to the hiring manager. You can obtain a Working with Children Check clearance through Service NSW. and you can obtain Medical Registration through the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency, also known as AHPRA.
Let's look at pre-employment checks in more detail. The tasks you've been assigned will display on the left hand side of the screen. You must complete all tasks assigned to you to ensure your application can be processed. Some tasks require you to enter information directly into the system. Other tasks require you to print and complete forms. Completed documents should either be uploaded where prompted in the system or brought with you to your interview. A NSW Working with Children Check must be completed for all JMO roles. Select the correct option in the drop-down menu. If you hold a current paid Working with Children Check or application number, you must enter the number here. Include the letters WWC and any zeros within your Working with Children check number. If you do not hold a current paid Working with Children Check, you'll need to obtain clearance through Service NSW, and supply the details to your contact in the in the recruitment unit as soon as possible. AHPRA registration details are required for all JMO roles. Include the letters MED and any zeros when entering the number. If you select No, you'll need to apply for an AHPRA registration. To avoid delays, you must supply your registration details to the recruitment team as soon as possible. You'll also be required to upload certain documents such as your COVID-19 vaccination certificate, or exemption documentation. Click Submit to finalise your pre-employment check details.
Once submitted, you'll receive a confirmation email with a number of documents attached. Please read the email and print the required documents to bring to your interview so they can be physically verified by the hiring manager. After your interview and if you are recommended for the role, you'll receive an email with a preliminary offer. You must respond to the offer within 48 hours. Click on Access this Link to open your offer. You can also log into the Career Portal, navigate to My Applications and locate the message with the subject titled Access Link. Click on the red expander arrow button to view more information about the offer. Select the Respond to Offer button, review the details, then click Accept or Decline. The preliminary offer will display as Accepted in the portal and you'll receive a confirmation email of your acceptance.
Please note that while you may receive multiple offers, you will not be able to accept multiple offers that that equate to more than one full time position. If you wish to accept another role, please ensure that you decline the previous role you accepted. After accepting your preliminary offer, you'll receive an email asking you to review and respond to your formal Offer of Employment. Log into the Career Portal, click on My Applications, and then on the Tasks tab. Open the offer by clicking on the Offer Letter task. Review and respond to the NSW Health Code of Conduct, Job Demands and Position Description using the Drop Down boxes. Accept your offer and enter your last name as as an e-signature for verification. Then click Submit. Download a signed copy of your Offer for your own records. In the job demands section, a PDF position description will open for your review. Click Submit when you have finished reading. In the Personal Details page, enter accurate information across all fields, then click Submit.
After you've accepted your offer of employment, you'll receive a Welcome Email and instructions to log into the Career Portal to complete the onboarding forms. Importantly, to allow us to start paying your salary without delays, you'll be asked to accurately enter your bank details, your tax file number, and either elect super fund, or enter the details of your existing super fund. Once all information has been entered correctly, click Submit. An email to inform you about your Medicare Provider Requirements will follow. Finally, you'll receive emailed instructions on how to complete mandatory training modules and links to order uniforms if required.
More information about JMO Recruitment can be found on the NSW Health website. Search for Junior Medical Officer Recruitment. Thanks for watching this video.