Children in NSW fully immunised by local health district 2021

Quarterly data on the percentage of children in NSW fully immunised by age, Aboriginality and local health district in 2021.

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Source: Australian Immunisation Register.

Current definitions of fully immunised:

  • 1 year: Fully immunised at 1 year means that a child aged 12 months to less than 15 months received their third vaccination for diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio and hepatitis B, either their second or third pneumococcal vaccination and either their second or third vaccination for Haemophilus influenzae type b (dependent on the type of vaccine used), all prior to the age of 1 year. It is assumed that all previous vaccinations were received.
  • 2 years: Fully immunised at 2 years means that a child aged 24 to less than 27 months received their fourth vaccination for diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, their third or fourth dose of Haemophilus influenzae type b (depending on the vaccine used), their third vaccination for polio, hepatitis B and pneumococcal disease, their second vaccination for measles, mumps and rubella, and their first vaccination for meningococcal C and varicella, all prior to the age of 2 years. It is assumed that all previous vaccinations were received.
  • 5 years: Fully immunised at 5 years means that a child aged 60 to less than 63 months received their fourth or fifth vaccination (dependent on the type of vaccine used) for diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough and their fourth vaccination for polio, all prior to the age of 5 years. It is assumed that all previous vaccinations were received.

Data are also available for

All children in NSW fully immunised at 1 year of age

Local health districtMarch 2021June 2021September 2021December 2021
Central Coast95.496.193.595.3
Far West* 96.597.398.798.8
Hunter New England96.095.295.696.0
Illawarra Shoalhaven95.894.896.195.2
Mid North Coast 94.393.193.094.6
Nepean Blue Mountains94.895.095.694.8
Northern NSW
Northern Sydney96.095.996.595.4
South Eastern Sydney95.695.096.094.6
South Western Sydney93.793.793.693.3
Southern NSW95.294.495.894.6
Western NSW96.496.694.996.9
Western Sydney94.094.394.494.0

*Interpret LHD data with caution as variations can arise where the LHD population is less than 100.

All children in NSW fully immunised at 2 years of age

Local health districtMarch 2021June 2021September 2021December 2021
Central Coast92.293.594.795.0
Far West* 93.898.596.994.9
Hunter New England94.095.094.595.1
Illawarra Shoalhaven93.994.094.094.0
Mid North Coast 91.993.091.392.6
Nepean Blue Mountains91.593.193.9 94.4
Northern NSW86.187.084.786.0
Northern Sydney93.
South Eastern Sydney91.093.292.492.5
South Western Sydney90.991.291.390.5
Southern NSW89.494.393.892.4
Western NSW91.894.194.895.9
Western Sydney91.392.191.891.6

*Interpret LHD data with caution as variations can arise where the LHD population is less than 100.

All children in NSW fully immunised at 5 years of age

Local health districtMarch 2021June 2021September 2021December 2021
Central Coast97.096.494.896.3
Far West* 100.097.797.997.8
Hunter New England97.296.496.496.4
Illawarra Shoalhaven96.596.296.495.6
Mid North Coast 94.694.194.894.7
Nepean Blue Mountains95.996.696.0 94.7
Northern NSW89.990.291.589.5
Northern Sydney94.593.795.093.7
South Eastern Sydney93.492.693.992.3
South Western Sydney95.695.1


Southern NSW95.694.596.595.2
Western NSW97.996.397.696.7
Western Sydney94.894.693.794.6

*Interpret LHD data with caution as variations can arise where the LHD population is less than 100.

Aboriginal children in NSW fully immunised at 1 year of age

Local health districtMarch 2021June 2021September 2021December 2021
Central Coast*100.095.897.293.2
Far West* 96.995.2100.0100.0
Hunter New England94.2
Illawarra Shoalhaven94.792.295.892.3
Mid North Coast* 95.297.692.696.3
Nepean Blue Mountains*90.495.697.5 94.3
Northern NSW*93.887.093.788.8
Northern Sydney*88.995.894.496.4
South Eastern Sydney*93.490.298.191.8
South Western Sydney93.391.294.695.0
Southern NSW*93.996.794.295.7
Western NSW93.396.993.795.9
Western Sydney*89.689.288.191.0

*Interpret LHD data with caution as variations can arise where the LHD population is less than 100.

Aboriginal children in NSW fully immunised at 2 years of age

Local health districtMarch 2021June 2021September 2021December 2021
Central Coast*91.393.598.196.4
Far West* 100.0100.096.086.7
Hunter New England93.093.593.093.8
Illawarra Shoalhaven*93.796.086.692.8
Mid North Coast* 93.694.592.792.5
Nepean Blue Mountains*93.996.291.2 97.6
Northern NSW*92.388.289.389.3
Northern Sydney*92.9100.0100.0100.0
South Eastern Sydney*83.3100.098.287.5
South Western Sydney*
Southern NSW*88.992.488.293.5
Western NSW92.692.191.695.2
Western Sydney*89.985.891.492.7

*Interpret LHD data with caution as variations can arise where the LHD population is less than 100.

Aboriginal children in NSW fully immunised at 5 years of age

Local health districtMarch 2021June 2021September 2021December 2021
Central Coast*
Far West* 100.0100.0100.0100.0
Hunter New England99.
Illawarra Shoalhaven*95.997.199.197.4
Mid North Coast* 98.094.895.5100.0
Nepean Blue Mountains*96.196.697.0 92.6
Northern NSW*97.594.197.194.8
Northern Sydney*100.094.4100.093.8
South Eastern Sydney*98.0100.0100.091.7
South Western Sydney*96.399.296.195.1
Southern NSW*95.694.4


Western NSW98.597.498.198.1
Western Sydney*98.197.897.397.2

*Interpret LHD data with caution as variations can arise where the LHD population is less than 100.

Non-Aboriginal children in NSW fully immunised at 1 year of age

Local health districtMarch 2021June 2021September 2021December 2021
Central Coast94.896.193.095.6
Far West* 96.398.198.298.4
Hunter New England96.395.696.396.2
Illawarra Shoalhaven95.995.296.195.6
Mid North Coast
Nepean Blue Mountains95.394.995.4 94.8
Northern NSW84.685.987.788.2
Northern Sydney96.195.996.595.4
South Eastern Sydney95.695.195.994.6
South Western Sydney93.793.893.693.2
Southern NSW95.394.196.094.5
Western NSW97.596.595.397.3
Western Sydney94.194.594.694.1

*Interpret LHD data with caution as variations can arise where the LHD population is less than 100.

Non-Aboriginal children in NSW fully immunised at 2 years of age

Local health districtMarch 2021June 2021September 2021December 2021
Central Coast92.393.594.394.8
Far West* 92.498.197.298.5
Hunter New England94.295.394.895.4
Illawarra Shoalhaven93.993.894.994.2
Mid North Coast 91.592.790.992.7
Nepean Blue Mountains91.292.894.2 94.0
Northern NSW85.186.883.985.6
Northern Sydney93.
South Eastern Sydney91.193.092.392.6
South Western Sydney90.991.491.290.4
Southern NSW89.594.594.392.2
Western NSW91.594.895.896.2
Western Sydney91.392.391.891.5

*Interpret LHD data with caution as variations can arise where the LHD population is less than 100.

Non-Aboriginal children in NSW fully immunised at 5 years of age

Local health districtMarch 2021June 2021September 2021December 2021
Central Coast97.296.294.596.1
Far West* 100.096.997.197.5
Hunter New England96.996.195.996.1
Illawarra Shoalhaven96.696.196.195.4
Mid North Coast 94.093.994.693.8
Nepean Blue Mountains95.996.695.9 94.9
Northern NSW89.189.790.888.9
Northern Sydney94.593.794.993.7
South Eastern Sydney93.392.593.792.4
South Western Sydney95.594.994.994.6
Southern NSW95.694.696.295.2
Western NSW97.796.097.596.3
Western Sydney94.794.593.694.5

*Interpret LHD data with caution as variations can arise where the LHD population is less than 100.


Current as at: Tuesday 28 June 2022
Contact page owner: Immunisation