HealthOne NSW

HealthOne NSW aims to create a stronger and more efficient primary health care system by bringing Commonwealth-funded general practice and state-funded primary and community health care services together. Other health and social care providers may also be involved in the HealthOne NSW model, for example pharmacists, public dental services, private allied health professionals, other government agencies and non-government organisations.

Since 2006/07, the NSW Government has committed almost $46 million to the capital development of integrated HealthOne NSW services across the State.

In 2015 the Government committed an additional $100 million to develop new HealthOne facilities, enhance existing facilities or develop information and communications technology. The new and updated facilities are currently in the planning phase.

The Guidelines for Developing HealthOne NSW Services provide a guide for Local Health Districts and their partners who are interested in developing integrated primary and community health services. These guidelines bring together, in a single document, the set of objectives, features, enablers and case studies required for developing successful HealthOne NSW services.

Key objectives of HealthOne NSW Services

The five objectives of HealthOne NSW are to:

  1. Prevent illness and reduce the risk and impact of disease and disability
  2. Improve chronic disease management in the community
  3. Reduce avoidable admissions (and unnecessary demand for hospital care)
  4. Improve service access and health outcomes for disadvantaged and vulnerable groups
  5. Build a sustainable model of health care delivery

Key features of HealthOne NSW Services

The key features of HealthOne NSW services are:

  1. Integrated care provided by general practice and community health services
  2. Organised multidisciplinary team care
  3. Care across a spectrum from prevention to continuing care
  4. Client and community involvement

The range of primary health care services provided by a HealthOne NSW service is determined at an early stage in the planning and development of the site, in consultation with clients and the local community.

The health professionals involved in HealthOne NSW work together in multidisciplinary teams to provide prevention, early intervention and continuing, comprehensive primary health care to individuals and communities.

Clients, their carers and local communities are central to the model. Clients and carers are expected to be involved in decision-making about their care. Community members are also expected to be involved in planning services to meet their needs.

Key enablers of HealthOne NSW services

  1. Service and capital planning
  2. Information and communication technology
  3. Governance and sustainability
  4. Workforce development

Three broad service configurations have been identified for HealthOne NSW services. They include co-located services, hub and spoke and virtually integrated services. These configurations are not mutually exclusive and some locations may use two configurations, for example hub and spoke and virtual, or co-located and hub and spoke.

Sufficient flexibility has been built into the model to enable partners to configure their service for local circumstances.

Current as at: Monday 30 April 2018
Contact page owner: Health and Social Policy