In Out of School Hours (OOSH) centres, physical activity most commonly occurs as part of play. OOSH centres can also promote physical activity through organised sport, games and activities and, where needed, engage an external provider to deliver their physical activity program.
Guidelines for Using External Providers for Physical Activity in Out of School Hours Centre (PDF 741 KB) aim to help OOSH centre management committees / coordinators make informed decisions in the selection of an external provider.
There are four parts to the guidelines:
- Background – The benefits of physical activity and the role OOSH centres can play in encouraging children to be physically active.
- Choosing a provider – A checklist of criteria to consider when hiring an external provider, such as qualifications, insurance cover and equipment.
- Responsibilities of the OOSH centre – A checklist of responsibilities an OOSH centre should meet when hiring an external provider, such as child protection, supervision by OOSH staff and consulting with parents and caregivers about the proposed use of a provider and the cost involved.
- Further information – A list of organisations and resources that OOSH centres may choose to access.