An access application may be made for all other information held by the Ministry (other than certain information not disclosed).
Applications for access to information under the provisions of the
Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 should be in writing using the
Government Information Access Application, accompanied by the $30 application fee and certified proof of identification if you are seeking access to personal information.
Formal and Informal applications should be directed to:
GIPA Specialist
Corporate Governance and Risk Management
NSW Ministry of Health
Locked Mail Bag 961
North Sydney NSW 2059
For enquiries regarding making a GIPA application to the NSW Ministry of Health, please
Email us, or complete the
NSW Ministry of Health Feedback.
Information not disclosed
Open access information not released by the NSW Ministry of Health due to an overriding public interest against disclosure.
As the NSW Ministry of Health makes decisions about open access information that may not be disclosed due to an overriding public interest, it will publish this information on this website. This will detail the information requested and the reasons behind the NSW Ministry of Health deciding not to release the information.