Dear Parent/Guardian
On behalf of the Nitbusters School Head Lice Project we would like to thank you for allowing your child to participate. Our school now has a trained Nitbusters team that can, if need arises, run further Nitbusting Days in the school. If you have any questions about the Program or would like to volunteer for the next Nitbusting Day, please ask the principal for the Nitbusting Co-ordinator. Any information regarding your child obtained through this Program will remain confidential.
Your child ____________________________________________ βin class ____________________________________ was checked today _____________________________________ (DD/MM/YY) for head lice.
- No head lice were found
- Nits (eggs) were found
- Head lice and nits (eggs) were found
If your child has nits or lice, Nitbusters recommends that you treat your child and continue to check for the eggs or lice every other day.
There are two treatment options:
- Mechanical removal
- Chemical and mechanical removal
Mechanical removal
Mechanical removal involves applying normal store-bought conditioner to cover all of the hair and then using fine long toothed metal lice comb to comb the hair in sections. The conditioner does not kill lice but stuns them for about 20 minutes enabling easier removal. The long toothed metal comb will reach all nits and pull them off the hair. This method should be done every other day until none remain. These combs are available in your local chemist or online.
With this method it's easy to teach children to treat themselves. It is best done when they stand under the shower or bath and comb through the conditioner, rinsing off the comb after each stroke.
Test for active lice or nits by wiping the comb on a white tissue and check for any lice or nits. Keep combing until no more appear on the tissue.
This Nitbuster method also helps manage head lice before they become established on the head. Simply keep a good head lice comb in the shower and every time your family washes their hair use the fine comb through the hair. This will ensure lice are "caught" before they lay too many eggs. If your children are old enough to wash their own hair encourage them to use the comb themselves. Or keep a comb handy to where you wash your children's hair and use it every shampoo.
Chemical and mechanical removal
If you choose to use a chemical treatment, remember to follow the instructions carefully. Don't be tempted to re-apply or over-apply the chemical if it doesn't appear to be working. Instead switch to another treatment that uses a different chemical compound. You must repeat the treatment in seven days to kill any newly hatched eggs. You will also need to comb as mentioned above to ensure the infestation is eradicated. If you don't look for nits and lice you won't know if the treatment was successful.
If your child was free of lice and nits, remember to regularly check with a fine toothed head lice comb and conditioner. Early detection and treatment will prevent re-infestation of other family members and classmates.
Research suggests that bed linen, hats, clothing and furniture do not harbour or transmit lice or nits and that there is no benefit in washing them as a treatment option. Nits and lice only live on the human head. They quickly dehydrate and die if removed from the head.
Again, thanks for your and your child's participation in Nitbusters.