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NSW Health
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Emergency department waiting times
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Aboriginal health
Urgent Care Services
Common childhood infections
Aged care
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Primary school dental
Transport for health
Pregnancy options
LGBTIQ+ health
Patient care
Assisted reproductive technology
Mental health
Palliative care
Violence, abuse and neglect
Public dental services
Healthy living
Healthy living
Healthy Eating Active Living
Emergency preparedness
Alcohol and other drugs - Your Room
Childhood vaccinations
Environmental health
Mental health
Public dental services
Beat the heat
Quitting vaping
Community sharps management
Bushfires and smoke
Stopping smoking
Ending HIV
Storms and floods
Sexual health
Hepatitis B and C
Mosquito borne diseases
Women's health
Infectious diseases
Alcohol and other drugs
Nursing and midwifery
Maternity, child and family health
Private health facilities
Disease notification
Mental health
Multicultural health
Control guidelines
Pharmaceutical services
Clinical ethics
Public health legislation
Tobacco and smoking cessation
Outpatient referral criteria
NSW Health and Medical Research
Healthcare innovation portal
New health technologies
Human tissue
Open data
HealthStats NSW
Population health research and evaluation
Epidemiology and evidence
NSW population health surveys
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NSW Health
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Future Health
Working at the Ministry of Health
History of medical administration in NSW
Climate risk and net zero
Our people
Government Information Public Access Act (GIPA)
Diversity Inclusion Belonging
The Hon. Ryan Park MP
The Hon. Rose Jackson, MLC
The Hon. David Harris, MP
Search for a job
Aboriginal workforce - Stepping Up
Workforce planning and culture
Recruitment initiatives
Map My Health Career
Remuneration and conditions
Training programs
Imagine Rural
Human resources - e-compendium
Clinical placements
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Senior executives
Recruitment and employment policies
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Kids and families
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Emergency department waiting times
Childhood vaccinations
Aboriginal health
Urgent Care Services
Common childhood infections
Aged care
Going to hospital
Primary school dental
Transport for health
Pregnancy options
LGBTIQ+ health
Patient care
Assisted reproductive technology
Mental health
Palliative care
Violence, abuse and neglect
Public dental services
Healthy living
Healthy living
Healthy Eating Active Living
Emergency preparedness
Alcohol and other drugs - Your Room
Childhood vaccinations
Environmental health
Mental health
Public dental services
Beat the heat
Quitting vaping
Community sharps management
Bushfires and smoke
Stopping smoking
Ending HIV
Storms and floods
Sexual health
Hepatitis B and C
Mosquito borne diseases
Women's health
Infectious diseases
Alcohol and other drugs
Nursing and midwifery
Maternity, child and family health
Private health facilities
Disease notification
Mental health
Multicultural health
Control guidelines
Pharmaceutical services
Clinical ethics
Public health legislation
Tobacco and smoking cessation
Outpatient referral criteria
NSW Health and Medical Research
Healthcare innovation portal
New health technologies
Human tissue
Open data
HealthStats NSW
Population health research and evaluation
Epidemiology and evidence
NSW population health surveys
Latest publications
Fact sheets
Multilingual resources
Safety alerts
RSS feeds
Policy and procedure manuals
Policy directives, guidelines and information bulletins
Media releases
X (formerly Twitter)
NSW Health
Strategic directions
Contact us
NSW Ministry of Health
Regional health
Engaging with NSW Health
Local health districts
Future Health
Working at the Ministry of Health
History of medical administration in NSW
Climate risk and net zero
Our people
Government Information Public Access Act (GIPA)
Diversity Inclusion Belonging
The Hon. Ryan Park MP
The Hon. Rose Jackson, MLC
The Hon. David Harris, MP
Environmental health
Fact sheets
Environmental health
Fact sheets
Currently selected
Environmental health fact sheets
Advice on mosquito control during floods and public events
Approval to keep the body of a deceased person for longer than permitted
Asbestos and health risks
Beach and water safety
Beat the heat - Heat and health
Beat the heat - Heat and health: Babies and young children
Beauty treatment businesses
Beauty, body art and skin penetration industries
Body art and tattooing businesses
Body piercing businesses
Burial of a deceased person in a grave without a coffin
Burials on private land
Bushfires and on-site wastewater systems
Carbon monoxide poisoning fact sheet
Cleaning and disinfection of foot spas
Cleaning and sterilising reusable equipment and instruments
Colonic lavage businesses
Continual breakpoint chlorination
Controlling chloramines in indoor swimming pools
Cremation ashes
Cremation of more than one body at a time
Dioxins in Sydney Harbour and Parramatta River – Health advice for recreational fishers
Dust storms
Exhumation of human remains
Eyeball tattooing
Fees and penalties - Public Health Act 2010 and Public Health Regulation 2022
Fight the bite - mosquito borne infections
Fire retardants and private water sources
Groundwater contamination by EDC at Botany
Hairdressers and barbers
Handling of bodies by funeral directors during an influenza pandemic
Health and water during drought
Healthy swimming pools
How to clean and sterilise reusable skin penetration equipment and instruments
Incorporating health-based targets into drinking water management systems and Section 60 approvals
Information to councils on mosquito control during public events
Lead exposure in children and adults
Legionella control in cooling water systems - Authorised officer
Legionella control in cooling water systems - Competent person
Legionella control in cooling water systems - Duly qualified person
Legionella control in cooling water systems - Independent auditor
Legionella control in cooling water systems - Local government authority
Legionella control in cooling water systems - Occupier
Legionella control in cooling water systems - regulatory requirements at a glance
Managing cooling water systems throughout their lifecycle
Mine dust and you
Nail treatment businesses
Naphthalene in moth balls and toilet deodorant cakes
Noise from public events
NSW Health's role in the regulation of cooling water systems
P2/N95 masks
Preventing cryptosporidiosis: a guide for people with HIV, AIDS
Public Health Regulation 2022 - Key changes
Public swimming pools and spa pools - Incident response protocol for contamination of surfaces
Public swimming pools and spa pools - Incident response protocol for failure to meet microbiological parameters
Public swimming pools and spa pools - Incident response protocol for formed stool and vomit contamination
Public swimming pools and spa pools that use chlorine with cyanuric acid - Incident response protocol for diarrhoeal incident
Public swimming pools and spa pools that use chlorine without cyanuric acid - Incident response protocol for diarrhoeal incident
Questions and answers about mosquito bite avoidance
Rainwater and bushfires
Roles and powers of authorised officers
Shallow burials
Skin penetration business design and construction
Stabiliser (cyanurate) use in outdoor swimming pools
Staying healthy during a mouse plague
Steps to healthy swimming
Swimming pools and bushfires
Thunderstorm asthma
Unflued gas heaters
Water fluoridation fact sheet
Wild mushroom poisoning
Wood burning heaters and your health
Content 1
Content 2
Current as at: Monday 22 November 2021
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Environmental Health