Register certificates of accreditation
Section 41(1) Local Government (General) Regulation 2021
A1 Gippsland Septic Tanks and Concrete Products Pty Ltd
Contact: Mr Graham McDonald
143 Bosworth Road, Bairnsdale, VIC, 3875
Phone: (03) 5625 3066
Septic Tank: 3200L
Collection Wells: 1800L and 3200L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW038 Expires 31/12/2025
Bennetts Concrete Products
Contact: Ms Jodie Spresser
286 Princes Highway, South Nowra, NSW, 2541
Phone: (02) 4422 3861
Septic Tank: 2050L, 2550L, 3500L
Collection Well: 2050L, 2800L, 3600L, 4450L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW009 Expires 31/12/2025
BioSeptic Pty Limited
Contact: Mr Bob Martin
67 Smeaton Grange Road, Smeaton Grange, NSW, 2567
Phone: (02) 4629 6666
Septic Tank: 3550L, 6950L
Collection Well: 3750L, 3800L, 5000L, 6100L, 7200L, 10,000L
Combined ST & CW: 2300/4700L, 2750/5500L, 2300/6000L
Pump Well: 100L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW003 Expires 31/12/2028
Combined Multi-chambered Single Tank for S10 NR STS-AWTS
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW050 Expires 31/12/2027
Bissett Company Pty Ltd (trading as Allcast Precast)
Contact: Mr Jarrod Bissett
40 Hill Street, Woombye, QLD, 4559
Phone: (07) 5442 2522
Septic Tank: 3050L, 4000L, 4250L, 4450L, 7000L.
Collection Well: 3200L, 4400L, 4600L, 7000L.
Septic Tank/ Collection Well: 7000L (Aussie Treat)
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW014 Expires 31/12/2025
Central Coast Septics Pty Ltd
Contact: Mr Bart Kruf
7 Marklea Close,Tuggerah, NSW, 2259
Phone: (02) 4352 2154
Fax: (02) 4352 1471
Septic Tank: 2300L, 2800L, 2800L, 4000L
Collection Well: 2050L, 2300L, 2800L, 4000L, 7100L
Combined ST & CW: 7100L
Pump Well: 900L, 2050L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW015 Expires 31/12/2025
Ecoflow Wastewater Management
Contact: Mr Gavin McLean
25 Shannon Place, Virginia, QLD, 4014
Phone: 1300 138 182
Septic Tank: 2300L
Certificate of Accreditation STCW047 Expires 31/12/2026
Eco-Septic Pty Ltd
Contact: Mr Stuart Day
65 Warradale Road, Warragamba, NSW, 2752
Phone: (02) 4774 1316
Concrete Tanks
Combined ST/CW: 7100L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW037A (Concrete) (Certificate) Expires 31/12/2025
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW037B (Poly Series) (Certificate) Expires 31/12/2025
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW046 (Poly Collection Well) Expires 31/12/2025
Everhard Industries Pty Ltd (Geebung)
Contact: Mr Mayank Patel
454 Newman Road, Geebung, QLD, 4034
Phone: 131 926
Concrete Tanks
Septic Tank: 3000L, 3900L, 4000L
Collection Well: 3000L, 3900L, 6000L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW033 Expires 31/12/2027
Injection moulded polypropylene tanks
Septic Tank: 3000L, 4000L
Collection Well: 3000L, 4000L
Pump Well: 450L, Combined 250/450L, Combined 250L/450L/600L, 600L, 1000L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW001 Expires 31/12/2028
Fabranamics Pty Ltd (trading as Pureablue)
Contact: Mr John Willoughby
52 Seaton Street, Armidale, NSW, 2350
Phone: (02) 6772 3810
Collection Well: 3000L, 10,000L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW012 Expires 31/12/2025
Fuji Clean Australia Pty Ltd
Contact: Mr Dwain Sullivan
2/176 Siganto Drive, Helensvale, Qld, 4212
Phone: 1300733619
Septic Tank/Collection Well: 4360L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW008 Expires 31/12/2025
Global Rotomoulding Pty Ltd
Contact: Mrs Noelene Bellette
14 Nans Road, Helidon Spa, QLD, 4344
Phone: (07) 4697 7099
Fax: (07) 4697 7706
Septic Tank/Collection Well: 3000L, 4500L, 5000L & 6000L
Pump Wells: 550L, 570L & 1000L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW021 Expires 31/12/2025
Gough Industries Pty Ltd
Contact: Mr Ian Gough
833 Ingham Road, Bohle Townsville, QLD, 4817
Phone: (07) 4774 7606
Freecall: 1800 069 805
Pump well: 600L, 1000L(cube), 1075L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW035 Expires 31/12/2028
Gowing Precast Pty Ltd (trading as Aussie Precast Products)
Contact: Mr Ian Gowing
11229 Princes Highway, Cobago, NSW, 2550
Phone: 0427 111 082
Septic Tank: 3050L, 3500L, 4600L, 3550L (shallow depth)
Collection Well: 3150L, 3750L, 4570L, 5500L, 3600L (shallow depth)
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW017 Expires 31/12/2025
GRAF Australia Pty Ltd
Contact: Ms Ingrid Custodio
43b Sparks Road, Henderson, WA, 6166
Phone: (08) 9437 4949
Collection Wells Range:
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW011 Expires 31/12/2029
Septic TankCarat Range:
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW049 Expires 31/12/2029
Graham's Precast Concrete Products Pty Ltd
Contact: Mr Peter Graham
4-8 Craig Street, Kyogle, NSW, 2474
Phone: (02) 6632 2978
Septic Tank: 2050L, 2300L, 3000L, 3100L, 5000L
Collection Well: 2050L, 2300L, 3000L, 3350L, 5300L, 7000L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW013 Expires 31/12/2025
Halgan Pty Ltd
Contact: Mr Jaime Cascajares
141 Magnesium Drive, Crestmead, QLD, 4132
Phone: 1800 626 753
Septic Tanks: 1000L, 1500L, 2000L, 3000L, 4000L and 5000L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW039 Expires 31/12/2025
Highland Tanks Pty Ltd (trading as Highland Concrete Tanks)
Contact: Precast Civil Industries Pty Ltd
16 Gantry Place, Braemar, NSW, 2575
Phone: 1800 049 911
Septic Tank: 4500L, 7100L
Collection Well: 4000L, 6000L, 6200L, 7300L, 8500L & 10,000L
Combined ST & CW: 2550/5000L, 3000/4550L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW005 Expires 31/12/2025
Mid West Concrete Pty Ltd
Contact: Mr Alan Mascord
84 Marshalls Lane, Blayney, NSW, 2799
Phone: (02) 6368 2444
Septic Tank: 2050L, 2300L, 3400L, 4000L
Collection Well: 2050L, 2500L, 3600L, 4000L, 5000L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW016 Expired 31/12/2025
Polymaster Pty Ltd
Contact: Mr James Steele
161 Karinie Street, Swan Hill, VIC, 3585
Phone: 1800 062 064
Septic Tanks: 3100L & 4550L
Collection Wells: 3300L & 5000L
Pump Wells: 700L, 1000L, 1300L
Certificate of Accreditation STCW020 Expires 31/12/2026
Precast Civil Industries Pty Ltd (trading as Supertreat Systems (QLD))
Contact: Mr Gary Hilton
32-34 Cumners Road, Toowoomba, QLD, 4350
Phone: (07) 4634 3860
Septic Tank/ Collection Well for Turbojet
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW044 Expires 31/12/2027
Precast Concrete Wangaratta Pty Ltd
Contact: Mr Maurice Hill
9 Murrell Street, Wangaratta, VIC, 3677
Phone: (03) 5722 3955
Septic Tank: (Horizontal Axis) 3050L and 4500L
Collection Well: (Horizontal Axis) 3150L
Pump Well: 740L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW018 Expires 31/12/2027
Reln Pty Ltd
Contact: Mr Owen Luke
14 Williamson Road, Ingleburn, NSW, 2565
Phone: (02) 9605 9999
(injection moulded polypropylene tanks)
Septic Tank: 3200L Deep Invert, 4000L
Collection Well: 3200L Deep Invert, 4000L
Pump Well: 450L/600L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW002 Expires 31/12/2025
Rotoplas (Aust) Pty Ltd
Contact: Miss Lauren Sargeant
8 Prince of Wales Ave, Unanderra, NSW, 2526
Phone: 1800 218 000
Pump Wells: Vertical Axis, 250L, 700L, 1200L, 1600L, 2000L, 3000L, 5000L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW048 Expires 31/12/2025
SPE Polytech Pty Ltd
Contact: Mr Bob Pullen
23 Blackwall Road, Woy Woy, NSW, 2256
Phone: (02) 4342 4743
Polyethylene pump wells and collection wells
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW006 Expires 31/12/2029
Suncoast Waste Water Management (trading as Ozzi Kleen)
Contact: Mr Michael Blee
59 Industrial Avenue, Kunda Park, QLD, 4556
Phone: (07) 5459 4900
Septic Tank: 4506L (two models)
Collection Well: 1208L, 1225L, 4150L (two models), 5250L, 5300L, 5350L
Pump Well: 300L, 350L, 663L, 850L, 1225L, 1640L, 1735L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW041 Expires 31/12/2028
Taylex Australia Pty Ltd
Contact: Mr Steven Tedmanson
56 Prairie Road, Ormeau, QLD, 4208
Phone: (07) 3441 5200
Concrete Tanks
Septic Tank: 2400L, 3750L
Collection Well: 4000L, 5000L, 10,000L, 15,000L, 20,000L
Pump Well: 800L
ABS Collection Well: 9,320L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW027 Expires 31/12/2025
Polyethylene tank
Collection well: 6066L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW032 Expires 31/12/2025
Concrete Collection Wells for ABS AWTS
9,300L, 10,700L, 11,000L & 11,700L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW045 Expires 31/12/2025
Viscount Rotational Mouldings Pty Ltd
Contact: Mr Mike Chapman
81 Frankston Gardens Drive, Carrum Downs, VIC, 3201
Phone: 1300 366 685
Polyethylene pump wells and collection wells
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW007 Expires 31/12/2028
Wastewater Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Garden Master)
Contact: Mr Shaune Speed
5/ 34 Racecourse Road, Rutherford, NSW, 2320
Phone: 1800 632 582
Concrete Tanks
Septic Tanks: 3700L, 6400L, 7600L
Collection wells: 4000L, 6800L, 8000L
Certificate of Accreditation: STCW051 Expires 31/12/2028