
A COVID-19 vaccine protects you from getting very sick or even dying from COVID-19.

Getting vaccinated also helps protect people around you by slowing the spread of the virus.

COVID-19 vaccines are safe, free and effective.

Booking a vaccination

Vaccination appointments are available across NSW. 

You can talk to your GP about getting a COVID-19 vaccination.

You may be able to get a vaccine from

  • your GP
  • a pharmacist. 

Find an appointment

Getting ready for your vaccination

You can talk to your GP or disability provider

  • if you have questions
  • if you are concerned about getting the vaccine.

You can ask someone to be with you when you are vaccinated. This could be a

  • support worker
  • family member
  • carer
  • friend.

You can make COVID-19 vaccination part of your healthcare plan by talking to your GP.

COVID-19 Easy Read resources

Help and support

If you want more help or support, you can

  • call the Disability Gateway Helpline on 1800 643 787. They can help you make a booking.
  • visit the Disability Gateway  website
  • visit the Health Direct  website.

The National Relay Service is available for people who have trouble hearing or speaking with people who use a phone.

Current as at: Wednesday 8 November 2023