NSW Health Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2016-2019


The primary objective of the NSW Health Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2016-2019 is to ensure the NSW Health system provides equitable and dignified access to services and employment for people regardless of disability. This means we are committed to reducing and, where possible, eliminating discriminatory barriers for people with disability, whether they are in employment, seeking employment or using health services provided by NSW Health.

The NSW Health Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2016-2019 is a system-wide plan which sets out the high level vision and objectives of disability inclusion for the NSW Health system, and is intended to set the direction for the Ministry of Health, Local Health Districts, Specialty Health Networks, Pillars, Statewide Health Services and Shared Services to develop and customise their own disability inclusion plan to suit local contexts and community needs. It is intended as an agile, adaptable plan which will be continually reviewed and monitored to support its effective implementation.

This plan is part of a broader NSW agenda to improve the lives of people with disability and moves us closer to a fully inclusive society for all.

File Size: 1101 kb
Type: Plan
Date of Publication: 01 January 2016
ISBN: 978-1-76000-311-1
SHPN: (IC) 150539