Student clearances for clinical placements
NSW Health is committed to providing our staff, patients and clients with a safe workplace.
Accordingly the NSW Health
Working With Children Checks and Other Police Checks Policy (PD2019_003) requires that all students enrolling in courses that involve clinical placements in NSW Health facilities must undertake a National Police Check.
Students are also required to comply with the NSW Health policy
Occupational Assessment, Screening and Vaccination Against Specified Infectious Diseases (PD2020_017), and any other relevant policies.
Useful resources and links
Clinical placements (ClinConnect)
ClinConnect is a web-based application built to assist health services (local health districts and networks) and education providers to manage clinical placements.
Contact us
CliniConnect and Clinical Placements, Health Education and Training Institute (HETI)
Phone: (02) 9844 6550
NSW Health Clinical Placements