If you are the recommended applicant, all information provided by you will be verified and all mandatory employment checks relevant to the position completed or confirmed as current prior to any offer of employment. For further detail, refer to the current NSW Health policy Recruitment and Selection of Staff to the NSW Health Service. Some of the main checks are summarised below.
Evidence of immunisation status
Each position within NSW Health has been categorised as either category A or B according to its potential for transmission of specified infectious diseases. If you are the preferred candidate for a category A position, you will be asked to provide evidence of protection for specified infectious diseases, and evidence of your tuberculosis (TB) status.
For further information about the requirements and acceptable evidence, refer to the current NSW Health policy on
Occupational Assessment, Screening and Vaccination Against Specified Infectious Diseases. Please note that your application for employment will not be considered further unless you comply with the requirements of the policy.
Service check register
An internal service check via the NSW Health Service Check Register will be undertaken on all preferred applicants, whether existing staff or new appointments, in accordance with the policy directive
Service Check Register for NSW Health.
Working with children and other Police checks
Detailed information about NSW Health’s requirements around National Police Checks (NPCs), Aged care checks and Working With Children Checks (WWCCs) is contained in the current policy directive:
Working with Children Checks and Other Police Checks.
If you are invited to an interview, you may be asked to complete the NSW Health NCRC Consent Form and bring it to the interview together with identification as detailed in NSW Health’s NPC Identification Checklist.
You may also be asked to complete a Criminal History Declaration as part of your application.
If you are an overseas applicant, you will be required to provide a police clearance from your home country, or where not possible, a statutory declaration stating that you have no pending charges or criminal convictions.
For aged care work, you will also be required to complete the
Aged Care Statutory Declaration.
Note that criminal history or pending charges do not necessarily preclude you from employment in NSW Health; applicants with a criminal history may be asked to provide additional information in support of their application and each case will be considered on its merits.
For further information about these forms and declarations, see Working with Children Checks and Other Police Checks.
Depending on the type of work you are applying for, you may be required to provide a WWCC clearance number.
To obtain a WWCC clearance number, follow the instructions on the website of the
NSW Children’s Guardian, which includes completing an online application form and then attending a
Service NSW service centre or a NSW Council Agency that provides Road and Maritime Services, to provide
proof of identity and pay for the WWCC to be completed.
The cost of the WWCC is $80. Please note that a volunteer WWCC (which is free) cannot be used for paid employment.
Health assessment
Prior to any offer of employment, you will be required to undergo a pre-employment health assessment relevant to the inherent requirements of the position. At a minimum, you will need to complete a health declaration online. In order to complete the declaration, you should review the Job Demands Checklist of the position. In some instances, you may be required to undergo some further health assessment.
Health assessments are separate from the merit selection process and are not available to the selection panel. They will be reviewed and assessed by an appropriately trained staff member only.
If the health assessment finds that you do not meet the inherent job requirements of the position because of disability/impairment, the Health agency will consider whether a reasonable adjustment can be made to the position to allow you to carry out its requirements.