The right workforce for community needs
With changing health needs and the movement of people across NSW, we need to ensure our workforce is well suited to meet the needs of the NSW community
Medical speciality fact sheets
These medical speciality fact sheets are designed to help doctors and other health professionals make informed choices to ensure their career plans not only fulfil their personal aspirations but also align with service needs.
Based on extensive workforce modelling, information covered includes:
- workforce characteristics (number of practitioners, average age and gender representation)
- demand (demand for training positions, retirement intentions and additional fellows needed)
- geographical distribution across NSW.
Download the Medical Workforce Modelling by Specialty 2015-2030 Summary
Significant career opportunities
Greater than 150% increase over total number of trainees required.
Substantial career opportunities
Between 25% to 150% increase over total number of trainees required.
Reasonable career opportunities
Between 1% and 25% increase over total number of trainees required.
Adequate career opportunities
No increase in the total number of trainees required in NSW. The model does not capture any mal-distribution by sector or location.
- Small: When more than 50% of either Sydney LHDs or Regional/Rural LHDs have a fellow workforce based on principal main location of less than 3 fellows. Of note: services might be provided by other arrangements, e.g. fly-in or tele health
- Non Metro Sydney: All LHDs that are not in the greater Sydney / Metropolitan Sydney area
- Metropolitan Sydney: South Eastern Sydney, South Western Sydney, Western Sydney, Northern Sydney, Nepean Blue Mountains, Sydney LHD, Children’s Hospital Network
Map My Health Career
Map My Health Career is a website for medical students and junior medical officers to help plan and make decisions about their medical career. Compare medical specialties, find training locations, and watch videos from specialist doctors and trainees speaking about their medical careers. Visit

More career information for medical students and junior medical officers can be found in HETI's The Doctor's GPS.