NSW Health Volunteers
NSW Health provides health services across NSW and operates in partnership with a range of stakeholders, including a diverse range of volunteers.
The NSW Health system has enjoyed an enduring relationship with volunteering for many years. NSW Health values the continuous generosity of many individuals who dedicate their time and experience.
NSW Health considers its volunteers to be an essential and valuable asset to the delivery of public health services across NSW. Their tireless and enormous effort directly supports and delivers better outcomes for patients, staff and visitors.
Volunteers can work in clinical and administrative areas of health facilities including hospitals, through hospital auxiliaries, not-for-profit organisations or with other philanthropic groups. Volunteers often work behind the scenes or alongside health professionals and other healthcare staff. Volunteers are also involved in fundraising efforts with their local communities, in order to support local hospitals.
NSW Health welcomes enquiries from the community about opportunities to volunteer at any of its services located in NSW Health organisations and Local Health Districts. Local Health Districts, Networks and Pillars have operational responsibility for engaging, supporting and managing local volunteer services, activities and programs and providing information about how eligible people can volunteer.