Medical Locum Agency Requirements
Medical Locum Agency Requirements complement NSW Health PD2019_006 Employment and Management of Locum Medical Officers by NSW Public Health Organisations.
This document sets out the requirements for the professional conduct of Medical Locum Agencies in providing Locum Medical Officers to NSW Public Health Organisations, the standards and conditions against which Medical Locum Agencies must demonstrate compliance for certification and the process for an application to the NSW Health Register of Medical Locum Agencies.
The Medical Locum Agency Requirements are reflected in the terms of the NSW Health Standard Agreement for the Employment of Locum Medical Officers in NSW Public Health Organisations at Appendix B to PD2019_006.
Appendices to the Medical Locum Agency Requirements include:
Appendix 1: the Medical Locum Agency Audit Guide, required for use by auditors in the certification audit of Medical Locum Agencies. The Guide provides examples of the evidence required to support a claim of compliance with each of the standards and conditions set out in the Medical Locum Agency Requirements
Appendix 2. the Medical Locum Agency Application Form, for completion and submission to the Ministry with certification documents in an application for entry to the NSW Health Register of Medical Locum Agencies.
Application to become a registered Medical Locum Agency
In order to be entered on the NSW Health Register of Medical Locum Agencies, a medical recruitment agency must undergo an independent certification audit by a third-party Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ)-accredited organisation against the standards and conditions for the provision of Locum Medical Officers to NSW Public Health Organisations.
Certification is gained on the achievement of full compliance with the standards and conditions.
The third party audit must be carried out using the NSW Health Medical Locum Agency Audit Guide, at Appendix 1 to the Medical Locum Agency Requirements. The Audit Guide provides examples of the evidence required to support a claim of compliance with the standards and conditions.
Having achieved certification, medical recruitment agencies must provide to the NSW Ministry of Health:
- the resulting certificate of compliance and certification audit report
- evidence of company registration
- copies of the Medical Locum Agency’s public liability, professional indemnity and Workers’ Compensation insurance certificates, and
- a completed Medical Locum Agency Application Form.
These documents may be submitted to the Ministry in PDF by email to
If approved, agencies are notified by the NSW Ministry of Health that they may enter into agreements with NSW LHDs and/or Specialty Networks for the provision of Locum Medical Officers to NSW Public Health Organisations.
On the provision to the Ministry of documentary evidence of a signed agreement (a PDF copy may be provided by email to, the Medical Locum Agency is listed on the NSW Health Register. Certification is for three years and must be renewed for an Agency to remain on the Register.
Continuing registration
Certification is current for three years. During this period, Medical Locum Agencies must continue to operate in compliance with the standards and conditions set out in the Medical Locum Agency Requirements in providing Locum Medical Officers to NSW Public Health Organisations.
At the expiry of the three year certification period, the Medical Locum Agency must undergo a further certification audit as described above and re-apply to the Ministry to remain on the Register.