​​Our health and wellbeing are closely linked to the environment in which we live. The Environmental Sustainability Health Award recognises the achievements of our health system and workforce to reduce our environmental footprint, whilst continuing to deliver high quality healthcare and patient experience.

As identified in Future Health, NSW Health faces a growing global challenge of a changing climate and its impact on our health. In addition, the healthcare system is a significant contributor to our carbon footprint. NSW Health has a responsibility to enhance its environmental sustainability through reducing our carbon emissions, minimising waste, and managing our resources differently. These will have positive impacts for the health and wellbeing of our citizens and reduce the environmental impact of the health system.

The Environmental Sustainability Award acknowledges programs, initiatives, and projects which promote:

  • healthier, greener buildings and spaces
  • sustainable management of energy, water, waste, and other resources
  • a focus on value-based healthcare to reduce harms and risks for patients and the carbon costs of low-value care
  • strengthening and developing low-carbon models of care
  • use of technology to facilitate high quality, low carbon care
  • establishing sustainable procurement processes
  • educating and engaging staff about environmental sustainability.

Current as at: Wednesday 17 July 2024