Please note: images are representative only and tablets may vary in colour or logo
Know the risks
- You are at
increased risk of harm if you:
- take multiple MDMA (ecstasy) tablets or capsules
- take a higher-dose MDMA (ecstasy) tablet or capsule
- use other stimulant drugs (e.g. methamphetamine, cocaine or caffeine) at the same time
- take MDMA in a hot environment like a music festival or indoor dance party
- MDMA (ecstasy) is often poorly manufactured and the amount of MDMA in a tablet or capsule can vary a lot, even within the same batch.
- The time from taking the drug to feeling any effect can vary significantly depending on the drug as well as the individual person.
- High dose MDMA (ecstasy) use has been linked to death and other serious harms, including recent ICU admissions.
Effects to look out for
Feeling really hot and sweaty, light headedness, rigid muscles (e.g. difficulty walking), confusion or agitation, racing pulse/heart, feeling aggressive, uncontrolled repetitive movements, vomiting, seizures, difficult to rouse / unconscious.
If you experience these symptoms after taking MDMA, get help immediately.
Getting help
If you or your friends see the warning signs of overdose:
- Seek help immediately from your nearest emergency department or call Triple Zero (000). You won't get into trouble for seeking medical care.
- Start CPR if someone is not breathing.
Support and advice
For free and confidential advice: