Older People's Drug and Alcohol Project - Summary Report


The Older People's Drug and Alcohol Project was designed to improve the responses of NSW Health drug and alcohol and mental health services to the needs of older people with substance use issues. The project was undertaken in the context of a number of factors bringing older people’s drug and alcohol issues increasingly to attention.
This Summary Report is a brief version of the full Project Report, and will be a succinct and useful resource for services. It includes current literature and policy, consultation findings, good practice service examples, and recommendations.
The full Project Report is an in depth reference document, with detailed information and analysis relevant to this emerging area of policy. It includes current literature and policy, consultation findings, service utilisation data analysis, good practice service examples, and recommendations.
Report in Brief is also available, which succinctly highlights the project’s key messages and is intended for a broader audience.
File Size: 456 kb
Type: Report
Date of Publication: 10 December 2015
ISBN: 9791 76000 352 4
SHPN: 150631