The NSW Health policy directive Nursing and Midwifery Management of Drug and Alcohol Use in the Delivery of Health Care PD2020_032 outlines the required practice of registered nurses and midwives when providing health care to all patients admitted to the NSW Health system. It is to reduce barriers to engaging patients in treatment, ensuring effective clinical management and improving health outcomes.
On this page
Handbook for Nurses and Midwives: Responding effectively to people who use alcohol and other drugs
Drug Compendium: A supplement Reference for AOD Treatment
Orientation to Nursing and Midwifery Management of Drug and Alcohol Use in the Delivery of Health Care
Other resources
Handbook for Nurses and Midwives: Responding effectively to people who use alcohol and other drugs
Handbook for Nurses and Midwives: Responding effectively to people who use alcohol and other drugs aims to provide nurses and midwives with clear, consistent and detailed pathways for delivering care across the domains of:
- screening and assessment
- identifying and responding to acute and chronic physical and mental health
- managing associated risks
- care planning and care coordination; and
- transfer of care
The handbook is a companion document to the policy directive: Nursing and Midwifery Management of Alcohol and Drug Use in the Delivery of Health Care. The Handbook directs nursing and midwifery staff to integrate their clinical care to NSW Health evidence-based treatment guidelines and ensure people with drug and alcohol related issues experience person-centred, safe and high-quality intervention and care.
Drug Compendium: A supplement reference for AOD treatment
Drug Compendium: A supplement Reference for AOD Treatment is a useful resource for health workers seeking concise, evidence-based information about alcohol and other drugs used in Australia. Information provided in this resource include pharmacology, examples and current use in Australia, presentation, acute and long-term effects, known drug interactions, signs and management of intoxication and overdose, symptoms and onset of withdrawal. This resource can also be found as an appendix in the Handbook for Nurses and Midwives: Responding effectively to people who use alcohol and other drugs.
The Drug Compendium should be referred to in conjunction with the following policy, guidelines and standards:
Orientation to Nursing and Midwifery Management of Drug and Alcohol Use in the Delivery of Health Care
Orientation to Nursing and Midwifery Management of Drug and Alcohol Use in the Delivery of Health Care is a narrated presentation that is aimed at orienting nursing and midwifery staff to the Policy Directive and Handbook. It covers:
- brief review of previous nursing and midwifery policies and procedures to address drug and alcohol use in presenting patients
- overview of the policy directive and handbook
- what this means for nursing and midwifery practice
- where to get more information and support.
Other resources
These presentations were prepared by members of the Nursing and Midwifery Community of Practice to support the implementation of the NSW Health Policy Directive PD2020_032 - Nursing and Midwifery Management of Drug and Alcohol Use in the Delivery of Health Care.
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