AOD-Core 5 Client discharge and transfer of care

​NGO AOD Performance indicator specifications for AOD-Core 5 Client discharge and transfer of care

Last updated: 21 June 2018
AOD-Core 5 Client discharge and transfer of care
​Version number ​1.0
​Descriptor ​The funded service has a system in place for safe and effective discharge and transfer of care of clients, which aligns with NSW Health policy and guidelines..
​Intended outcome ​The discharge and transfer of care system ensures collaborative and continuing care is facilitated with the client throughout the treatment encounter to meet client needs. All clients have documented discharge and transfer of care plans identified, informed by a risk framework, documented and implemented.
​Data and evidence reporting requirements
  • Development of a client discharge and transfer of care policy and protocol/s and 
  • Development of a client file audit report identifying percentage of clients with a planned or known discharge/transfer of care, which had a discharge/transfer of care plan documented.
​Reporting frequency ​Commencing 2019, organisations to report six (6) monthly no later than the 21st day of the month following the six month period of collection.
​Inclusions ​All non-government organisations funded by NSW Health for the delivery of alcohol and other drug treatment services.
​Exclusions ​Alcohol and other drug services funded by NSW Health other than treatment services, including those that are primarily educational or preventative.
​Related NSW Health policies and guidelines
Current as at: Thursday 21 June 2018