AOD-Core 1 NSW Minimum Data Set (MDS) for Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services (DATS)

​NGO AOD performance indicator specifications for the AOD - Core 1 NSW Minimum Data Set (MDS) for Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services (DATS)​

Last updated: 21 June 2018
​​AOD-Core 1 NSW Minimum Data Set (MDS) for Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services (DATS)
​Version number ​1.0​
​Descriptor ​The funded service electronically reports data for the NSW MDS DATS according to NSW Health data dictionary and collection requirements. The funded service is responsible for collecting, cleaning and validating data before submitting through agreed data reporting channels.
​Intended outcome​ ​Complete NSW MDS DATS is consistently reported by funded services to provide a source of information on trends in AOD treatment services.
​​Data and evidence reporting requirements ​Electronic extract of NSW MDS DATS data.
​Reporting frequency ​Monthly no later than the 21st day of the month following the month of collection.​
​Inclusions ​​All non-government organisations funded by NSW Health for the delivery of alcohol and other drug treatment services.​​​
​Exclusions​ ​Alcohol and other drug services funded by NSW Health other than treatment services, including those that are primarily educational or preventative.
​Related NSW Health policies and guidelines ​NSW Health Policy Directive - 2015_14 Data Dictionary and Collection Requirements for the NSW MDS for Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services​
Current as at: Thursday 21 June 2018