NSW Health and NGO Alcohol and Other Drug Partnerships
This communique provides an update on some of the NSW Health AOD priorities which have a connection to the NSW AOD NGO sector.
What we are doing to strengthen the system
- Streamline funding contracts to reduce duplication
- Develop defined service definitions and service requirements
- Align performance indicators across agencies with a focus on safety and quality for clients
- Establish NGO performance framework processes, roles and responsibilities
- Improve quality and completeness of service data collection
- Build consumer engagement and participation in development and implementation of AOD policy, programs and services.
What we are doing to expand access to treatment
What we are doing to drive the Opioid Treatment program and increase access to take home naloxone
- Resolve legal and regulatory barriers affecting NGOs’ role in take home naloxone
- Develop training for NGOs to supply naloxone
- Educate the NGO sector of depot buprenorphine implementation as a new treatment option for clients
- Engage NGOs in providing AOD services for clients prescribed depot buprenorphine
What we are doing to reduce stigma and discrimination experienced by consumers
- Conduct behavioural research with NSW Health and NGO AOD staff to identify beliefs and behaviours that lead to stigma and discrimination
- Use research data to inform strategies to address stigma and discrimination of AOD consumers
- Utilise the Ministry of Health ADO Consumer Reference Group to inform strategies to address stigma and discrimination
- Support innovation in client centred care and addressing stigma and discrimination
The NSW AOD NGO Working Group, with representatives from funded NGOs, LHDs, primary health networks, NADA and the Ministry, provides a forum for communication and collaboration between stakeholders to improve funding, contracting, performance management and service development.
Contact us for more information about the Group