NSW Health works with the Australian Government to ensure older people are able to access the care that best meets their needs when they are no longer able to manage at home without assistance.
NSW Health operate a range of Australian Government funded aged care services including:
Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACAT)
assess clients with complex and multiple care needs for referral to the appropriate services such as home care, residential or transitional care. - Regional Assessment Service (RAS)
RAS assess clients
for entry-level support provided under Commonwealth Home Support Services. - Commonwealth Home Support Programme
CHSP services provided by NSW Health may be short-term, intermittent or ongoing, and can include help with daily tasks, home modifications, transport, social support, and nursing care. - Transitional Aged Care Program (TCAP)
TACP provides short-term care to help older people recover from a hospital stay and regain function. Different types of care and support may be provided such as low intensity therapy (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social work and other allied health care), nursing support and personal care. - State Government Residential Aged Care Facilities
The NSW Government funds a range of aged care homes to provide care and support services to those who need it.
For more information about aged care programs or to seek an assessment, visit My Aged Care.
NSW Health also supports the ongoing implementation and measurement of a wellness and reablement approach in aged care services. The approach ensures that older people live as active, purposeful, healthy, and independent lives as they can and, where possible, remain living in their own homes.
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Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme
(IPTAAS) is a NSW government scheme that provides financial assistance to eligible patients who travel for treatment not available locally.
Assistive technology is provided through EnableNSW. Assistive technology provided by NSW Health is standardised equipment, primarily loaned to people who are not eligible for aids and equipment through other schemes to support health needs.