The release of the NSW Health Aboriginal Health Plan 2024-2034 represents real partnership, and a determination to shift the status quo.
The vision of this plan is to ‘share power in system reform’ - the power that comes from self-determination and influence. It is only by sharing decision-making power with Aboriginal people that we are all truly engaged in the process of transformation. It is only through being influenced by Aboriginal people’s knowledge and wealth of experience that the NSW health system can be reformed.
Much has been achieved in recent years and I believe we are in a better position than ever to build on this good work while also considering new and innovative ways to achieve further progress. The strategies identified in this plan will drive the structural reform required to improve the access and equity of health services to meet the needs and aspirations of Aboriginal people.
It is important to realise that the success of all our efforts is absolutely dependent on eliminating all forms of racism – in our health services as well as our workplaces. When I delivered an Apology on behalf of NSW Health to the Stolen Generations and their Survivors in 2022, I committed our organisation to providing culturally-safe, holistic and trauma-informed care for all Aboriginal people accessing our services. Since then, I have had the privilege of visiting many Aboriginal communities and organisations, as well as our own NSW Aboriginal health services. I have learnt from the best on the importance of person-centred care that is central to this plan’s implementation.
There is a responsibility for everyone working across the NSW health system to implement this plan. I encourage you to consider the priority reform areas of this plan as enablers of change, and to take all opportunities to embed cultural safety and build trust through transparent and genuine partnership in all aspects of your role. The strategic directions of this plan should guide your work, with every action taken a positive step forward to a better health system for Aboriginal people.
I am confident sharing of power in decision making will ultimately lead to sharing the success of this plan in achieving the highest level of health and wellbeing for Aboriginal people in NSW.
Susan Pearce AM
Secretary, NSW Health