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NSW Aboriginal Health Plan 2024–2034
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References in the NSW Aboriginal Health Plan 2024-2034
Content 1
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Defined in the NSW Government Aboriginal Procurement Policy (NSW Treasury 2021) as a business that has at least 50% Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ownership and is certified as such through an appropriate organisation (such as Supply Nation, the NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce, or the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations). These organisations maintain lists of Aboriginal businesses that are audited and undergo quality assurance, including requirements for business owners to provide Confirmation of Aboriginality or other proof of genealogy.
NSW Government and Coalition of Aboriginal Peak Organisations (CAPO) 2021,
2021-22 NSW Implementation Plan for Closing the Gap
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NSW Treasury 2021,
Aboriginal Procurement Policy
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NSW Government and Coalition of Aboriginal Peak Organisations (CAPO) 2021,
2021-22 NSW Implementation Plan for Closing the Gap
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2022–2024 NSW Implementation Plan for Closing the Gap
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Commonwealth of Australia 2021,
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Bailey, J., Blignault, I., Carriage, C., Demasi, K., Joseph, T., Kelleher, K., Lew Fatt, E., Meyer, L., Naden, P., Nathan, S., Newman, J., Renata, P., Ridoutt, L., Stanford, D., and Williams, M. 2020,
‘We are working for our people’: growing and strengthening the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce, Career Pathways Project Report
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