A message from the Interim Chief Executive Officer, Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of NSW

The NSW Aboriginal Health Governance, Shared-Decision Making and Accountability Framework provides a much-needed foundation to deliver meaningful change and transformation within the NSW Health system. The AH&MRC recognises the framework as a significant step in guiding the system to promote transparent, effective and accessible health programs and policies to Aboriginal people in NSW.

In addressing the health challenges faced by our communities, the framework recognises the importance of shared decision making and genuine partnership with Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations in driving the required change.

The framework seeks to transform the health system to ensure it is responsive to the needs of Aboriginal people. This will rely on understanding the social determinants of health, including how historic factors have directly contributed to health and wellbeing outcomes.

A strong governance and accountability framework relies on the genuine representation of Aboriginal people at all levels of decision making. By developing the framework to improve communication and escalation pathways, Aboriginal communities will be empowered to effect positive change.

This document marks a crucial step in achieving the reforms necessary for advancing health equity in Aboriginal communities. A strong health system is responsive to community needs and seeks to improve transparency, monitoring and accountability at all levels. In guiding the health system to recognise and respond to discrimination, racism and inequity, we are hopeful the framework will work to address known governance and accountability gaps and increase the cultural safety of the current system.

The principles outlined in the framework are not just aspirational but intended to be actionable across the whole NSW Health system. We look forward to working with NSW Health in transforming systems and services to better meet the needs of Aboriginal people and communities in NSW.

Nicole Turner
Interim Chief Executive Officer, AH&MRC

Current as at: Friday 27 September 2024
Contact page owner: Centre for Aboriginal Health