Each Patient Centred Co-commissioning Group will interact with the broader health system.
- NSW government
- Federal government.
Enabled by: partnership agreement.
PCCGs are underpinned by partnership agreements with the NSW and Federal governments.
Patient Centred Co-commissioning Group
A partnership between:
- local health district
- primary health network.
Enabled by:
- establishment funding (enabled by NSW Health seed funding)
- activity funding
- outcomes funding.
Service providers
The range and intensity of participation will be negotiated between the PCCG and these provider groups:
- hospital and ambulatory care
- GP and other health care providers
- social services.
Enabled by:
- newly funded services
- better use of existing funded services.
PCCGs will work with their local community with representation on local committees and involvement in co-design of care pathways:
- locally determined enrolment process
- citizen engagement.
To facilitate and support the regional PCCGs, the Ministry of Health will provide statewide enablers. These include:
- establishment and enablement support
- governance, risk, legal, financial support
- data analytics support and outcome monitoring.