Develop the capability to continuously improve your roster.
Some of the many benefits include:
- meet patient, staff and service needs
- champion and embed roster improvements within your organisation
- raise awareness of rostering and its role in wider service management activities.
What's available?
Rostering portal
Includes a range of resources to support you to develop rostering capability to continuously improve rostering outcomes.
Capability matrix
Links you to relevant resources to support you as and when you need it.
Facilitated workshops
Support in facilitating interactive workshops or webinars locally.
Implementation guides
Quickly link you to specific resources you need to access at every step.
Online learning modules
Provide a deep dive on specific rostering functions and immediate feedback on your progress.
Mentoring and coaching support
Provide guidance to establish and implement continuous rostering improvement for staff developing their capability.
Tip sheets
Provide a quick introduction or a refresher for specific rostering steps.
Explain the benefits of effective rostering and how to interact with available resources.
Please ask you LHD Workforce Unit to contact the Ministry of Health, Workforce Planning and Talent Development Branch and discuss how we can support you!
On LinkedIn, request access to the NSW Health Innovative Rosterers’ Community to learn, share and contribute to discovering innovative rostering solutions.