Are you a Roster Manager looking to minimise the time you spend managing vacancies in your unit? Here are a few tips to get you started. Please refer to Manage vacancies for the PDF version.
Identify vacancy
Review unit's FTE, Staffing Profile and budget at least annually and assess whether sufficient staff are employed to deliver the service.
If any recruitment vacancy currently exists, or may occur in the future, initiate steps to achieve a full complement of staff who are available to work the roster.
Determine backfill need
If shift vacancies exist, determine if back fill is required. If not, cancel demand so staffing picture is accurate. If so, follow the vacancy management protocol for your Health Agency and follow the steps in order.
Deploy from other units
Determine the skills required and attempt to redeploy suitably skilled staff from other units. This can enable staff to become familiar with your unit and allow Roster Managers to support each other.
Additional hours for part-time staff
Identify part-time staff who are willing and able to work additional hours. Approach them on a fair and equitable basis, providing details of time, location and any breaks.
Engage casual staff
Identify suitably skilled casual staff or ask the Casual Staffing Office to identify casual staff who are willing and able to work the shift. Approach them providing details of time, location and any breaks.
Engage agency staff
If in a Nursing unit, seek necessary approval to engage a suitably skilled agency staff member and followlocal procedure to make the required arrangements.
Seek appropriate approval to offer staff overime on a fair and equitable basis, providing details of time, location and any breaks. Agree if overtime or time in lieu and update the roster.