Rostering accountabilities

The Framework for Rostering in NSW Health outlines the goals, objectives and initiatives to drive continuous improvement and innovation in rostering across NSW.

This is supported by several key initiatives that will contribute to this achievement over the next five years.

Learn more about the ownership, accountabilities and contact details for these initiatives:

6 initiatives contribute to growing rostering maturity in NSW Health. Rostering Best Practice, which is the responsibility of the Rostering Best Practice Team; and HealthRoster, The Framework for Rostering  in NSW Health, The Rostering Portal and Rostering Capability Framework, JMO Wellbeing and Rostering Standards, and Workforce Data Analytics which are the responsibility of the Workforce Planning and Talent Development team in the Ministry of Health. JMO Wellbeing and Rostering StandardsWorkforce Data AnalyticsRostering Best PracticeHealthRosterThe Framework for Rostering in NSW Health 2018 - 2023The Rostering Portal and Rostering Capability Framework

The Framework for Rostering in NSW Health 2018-2023

The Framework for Rostering in NSW Health 2018-2023 recognises the importance of good rostering to:

  • patient safety and quality of care
  • staff wellbeing and culture
  • organisational efficiency and productivity.

The framework outlines a commitment to continued investment in developing rostering capability and maturity across NSW Health and provides information on the key initiatives that will support this over the next five years.


Progress in achieving the vision described in the Framework for Rostering in NSW Health 2018 - 2023 is overseen by the Ministry of Health’s Workforce Planning and Talent Development Branch in partnership with representatives from other branches in the Ministry, local health districts and health agencies from across the state.


For more information on the Framework for Rostering in NSW Health 2018 – 2023 please contact:

Brian Shimadry
Director, Workforce Planning and Performance
NSW Ministry of Health, Workforce Planning and Talent Development


The Rostering Portal and the Rostering Capability Framework

Rostering is a critical component to a whole of workforce management approach. In this context, The NSW Health Rostering Portal provides single access to a wealth of rostering resources produced by the Ministry of Health, eHealth NSW, Healthshare NSW, local health districts, health networks and other health agencies. These are designed to support and assist those involved in rostering in NSW Health to roster safely, effectively and efficiently.

The Rostering Capability Framework (RCF) consists of learning resources designed to be accessible and flexible to the needs of the learner. Developed in partnership with the Rostering Best Practice Team (RBPT) and subject matter experts from across the state and based on real life rostering scenarios, the RCF includes guidance and support on topics that cover the end to end rostering cycle. Resources are continually being added and include online learning modules, tip sheets, guides, facilitator packs for face to face workshops and more. A Rostering Capability Matrix is available to assist learners and their managers in determining the most suitable learning components for their current available to assist learners and their managers in determining the most suitable learning components for their current need.

Please refer to Rostering Capability Framework or search ‘RCF’ on My Health Learning.


The Ministry of Health’s Workforce Planning and Talent Development Branch is responsible for the maintenance and development of the Rostering Portal and Rostering Capability Framework and work in partnership with subject matter experts from across the state to ensure content is relevant and appropriate.


For more information about the Rostering Portal or Rostering Capability Framework, please contact:

Kathryn Hume
Rostering Capability Framework Lead
NSW Ministry of Health, Workforce Planning and Talent Development

JMO Wellbeing and Rostering Standards

Junior Medical Officers (JMOs) in NSW Health operate differently to most other NSW Health staff in that they have a dual roles as both trainees and employees providing healthcare, they rotate between facilities and there is an entrenched culture of long working hours resulting in fatigue. Recognising these factors, NSW Health has committed to review and improve the experience and wellbeing of JMOs as outlined in the NSW Health JMO Wellbeing and Support Plan. Rostering plays a key part in this and the Ministry of Health continues to review, propose and develop guidance and support resources specifically relating to the rostering of medical officers. This has included the introduction of rostering standards relating to:

  • a maximum rostered shift period of 14 consecutive hours
  • a minimum break between rostered shift periods of at least 10 hours.

Additional learning resources specifically relating to medical officer rostering will soon be available via the Rostering Capability Framework.


The Ministry of Health’s Workforce Planning and Talent Development Branch is leading the review and development of standards, guidance and supporting resources to improve JMO wellbeing and support improved rostering of all medical officers.


For more information about JMO Wellbeing and Rostering Standards, please contact:

Medical Adviser
Manager, Workforce Projects
NSW Health, Workforce Planning and Talent Development

Workforce Data Analytics (inc. Rostering)

Access to accurate and easy to interpret data analytics relating to workforce management and rostering is a critical enabler to driving continuous improvement. It allows executives and managers to review performance, identify potential opportunities for improvement and monitor the impact of improvement interventions.

The Ministry of Health is working in partnership with eHealth NSW to continually improve the workforce data tools and resources available to LHDs. This includes the integration of the current SMRS platform with a new analytics interface and the continued development of reports and analytical capabilities. A key component of the future vision is a consolidated dashboard providing information on key rostering related outcomes.


The Ministry of Health’s Workforce Planning and Talent Development Branch is working in partnership with the eHealth NSW Corporate Analytics team.


For more information about Workforce Data Analytics, please contact:

Brian Shimadry
Director, Workforce Planning and Performance
NSW Ministry of Health, Workforce Planning and Talent Development

Rostering Best Practice

The Rostering Best Practice Team (RBPT) leads a program of work which reviews, supports, and drives improvement initiatives in rostering practices across all staffing groups in NSW Health. The RBPT was formed in 2009 and undertook a comprehensive analysis of rostering practices across NSW Health. This included extensive stakeholder consultation which formed the foundation of the NSW Health Rostering Resource Manual which is the standard for best practice rostering in NSW Health.

The RBPT work with local health districts and speciality health networks (LHDs/SHNs) to standardise and reduce variation in practice and procedure through the development of a localised package of resources, guidelines, staff brochures, educational workshops with supportive local data. The RBPT review, educate and implement rostering improvement strategies with the objective of embedding standard processes across all hospitals.

The RBPT have developed the Staffing Intelligence Application (SIA) which is available to users within LHDs and health agencies by request. SIA is an analytical tool for executives of NSW Health organisations to discover workforce trends and patterns in relation to staff rostering.


The Rostering Best Practice Team is part of the Ministry of Health’s System Performance Support Branch and RBPT activities are also reported to the State-wide Rostering Steering Committee which includes LHD and health agency representatives from across the state


For more information about the Rostering Best Practice Team, please contact:

Cassandra Walton
Director, Rostering Best Practice
Health System Performance Support Branch


HealthRoster is the state-wide IT system for rostering staff in NSW Health. The system has now been rolled out across all local health districts and health agencies and supports the standardisation and compliance of rostering practice across the state.


The State-wide Rostering Steering Committee, co-chaired by the Ministry of Health’s Workforce Planning and Talent Development Branch and the Rostering Best Practice Team, oversees implementation and major changes to the HealthRoster system as well as implementation of other rostering initiatives. This committee includes senior representatives from the Ministry of Health, eHealth NSW, Healthshare NSW, local health districts and health agencies.

The NSW Ministry of Health’s Workforce Planning and Talent Development Branch, in partnership with eHealth NSW, is accountable for responding to and ensuring progress towards the recommendations made in the Audit Office for NSW’s report on HealthRoster benefits realisation published in June 2018.


For more information about HealthRoster, please visit the eHealth NSW Intranet - HealthRoster.

For information about the Audit Office for NSW Health’s report on HealthRoster benefits realisation, please contact:

Brian Shimadry
Director, Workforce Planning and Performance
NSW Ministry of Health, Workforce Planning and Talent Development

Current as at: Thursday 31 January 2019