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In 2022, there were similar reported rates of pre-existing diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes reported among pregnant Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander women who gave birth in NSW compared with pregnant non-Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander women who gave birth in NSW. ​

Diabetes, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal mothers, NSW 2018–2022

By number of births

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander mothers

Pre-existing diabetes mellitus–all5159527795
Pre-existing diabetes mellitus–type 1 122392121
Pre-existing diabetes mellitus–type 2 3935415168
Gestational diabetes mellitus 437481593685702
Total diabetes1 488540645762797

Non-Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander mothers

Pre-existing diabetes mellitus–all751805708803816
Pre-existing diabetes mellitus–type 1 219266228251317
Pre-existing diabetes mellitus–type 2 384391387429411
Gestational diabetes mellitus 1242512498119991370113830
Total diabetes1 1317613303127071450414646

By percentage of births

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander mothers

Pre-existing diabetes mellitus–all1.
Pre-existing diabetes mellitus–type 1
Pre-existing diabetes mellitus–type 2
Gestational diabetes mellitus 10.410.913.213.614.3
Total diabetes1 11.612.214.315.216.2

Non-Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander mothers

Pre-existing diabetes mellitus–all0.
Pre-existing diabetes mellitus–type 1
Pre-existing diabetes mellitus–type 2
Gestational diabetes mellitus 13.914.014.014.916.4
Total diabetes1 14.715.014.815.817.3


Diabetes, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal mothers, NSW 2018–2022


Source: NSW Perinatal Data Collection (SAPHaRI). Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence, NSW Ministry of Health.

Due to under-reporting of Aboriginal mothers to the Perinatal Data Collection, it is likely that the true numbers of mothers and babies are higher than shown. For more information refer to Estimated level of reporting. Table excludes 450 mothers where the mother’s Aboriginality was not stated.

  1. Total diabetes includes types of diabetes not further defined.

Current as at: Wednesday 31 July 2024