Skills and associated definitions

​Extensive Statewide consultation regarding the language and use of skills within HealthRoster has resulted in the production of a standardised skills list with associated definitions. This collaborative project has involved local health districts (LHDs), specialty health networks (SHNs), Health Education and Training Institute, eHealth HealthRoster Team and the Ministry of Health.

Last updated: 29 March 2022

The standardised list of skills within HealthRoster will allow LHD/SHNs the ability to monitor workforce capacity and enable NSW Health to have visibility of workforce skillsets across the state. It creates the capacity to deploy and roster our people with the required skills to ensure delivery of safe and high quality patient care. This is critical to the management of future pandemics, bushfires and floods.

It is expected that all skills currently assigned within HealthRoster will need to be locally reviewed to ensure validity under the new standardised definitions. It is important that managers review, and update skills assigned in HealthRoster to relevant staff on a regular basis.

This list of skills is not exhaustive and health agencies can submit a request to add, update or delete any of the skills at any time via the SARA portal. HealthRoster skills identify skill requirements of staff when creating a roster, this does not replace capturing mandatory training and other credentialing via My Health Learning. Please also refer to the NSW Health Rostering Guideline for the Management and recording of Skills in the Rostering Resource Manual and Rostering Capability Matrix on the Rostering Portal.

For information on how to assign skills in HealthRoster see Part 1 Roster Creation Management Guide

For further information please email the Rostering Best Practice Team:

Skills and associated definitions list

Advanced Life Support
For staff who are deemed competent to deliver advanced resuscitation care in accordance with Australian Resuscitation Council standards
Ambulatory Care
Demonstrated ability to work in an ambulatory care setting
Anaesthetic Nurse
Demonstrated ability to assist the anaesthetist in the administration of anaesthetic and monitoring the patients' condition during surgery
Anaesthetic Paediatrics Nurse
Demonstrated ability to assist the anaesthetist in the administration of anaesthetic to paediatric patients' and monitoring condition during surgery
Demonstrated ability to provide care in an antenatal unit and/or clinic
Demonstrated ability to work in Aged Care Services Emergency Teams
Auto Transfusion
Demonstrated ability to deliver an auto transfusion
For staff who are deemed competent to deliver respiratory support via Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure equipment.
Birthing Unit
Demonstrated ability to work in a birthing unit
Cardiac Advanced Life Support (CALS)
For staff that have completed an accredited resuscitation protocol for the post cardiac surgical patient
Cannulation Adult
Demonstrated ability in inserting an intravenous cannula in adult patients
Cannulation Paediatrics
Demonstrated ability in inserting an intravenous cannula in paediatric patients
Cardiac Intensive Care
Demonstrated ability to work in a cardiac intensive care unit
Demonstrated ability to work as a Clinical Initiatives Nurse
Clinical Trials
Demonstrated ability to work in clinical trials teams/units
Conscious Sedation
Demonstrated ability to perform conscious sedation
COVID-19 Vaccinator
Health practitioners or Health practitioner students who are authorised to administer COVID-19 vaccines to those who meet the criteria for treatment under the Protocol
For staff who are deemed competent to deliver respiratory support via Continuous Positive Airway Pressure equipment.
Demonstrated ability to perform a computed tomography scan
Demonstrated ability to perform Continuous Veno-Venous Hemofiltration
Cytotoxic Full
Demonstrated ability to handle and administer cytotoxic medication to patients
Cytotoxic Full/BMT
Demonstrated ability to handle and administer cytotoxic medication to BMT patients
Cytotoxic Full/HSC/BMT
Demonstrated ability in handling and administering cytotoxic medication as well as competent in apheresis
Cytotoxic Lvl 1
For staff with level 1 qualifications who demonstrate ability to administer cytotoxic medication to patients
Cytotoxic Lvl 2
For staff with level 2 qualifications who demonstrate ability to administer cytotoxic medication to patients
Day Surgery
Demonstrated ability to work in day surgery units
Demonstrated ability to administer dialysis
Demonstrated ability to perform digital subtraction angiography
For staff who are deemed competent to deliver oxygenation via Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation equipment.
Demonstrated ability to provide care and support for patients receiving Electroconvulsive therapy
Demonstrated ability to be part of the first line emergency care team
Demonstrated ability in fluoroscopy imaging
Demonstrated ability to work in endoscopy services
Demonstrated ability to provide care and support for patients receiving endovascular surgery
Emergency Department Surge
Demonstrated ability to provide critical nursing care in the emergency department
High Dependency
Demonstrated ability to work in High Dependence/Close Observation Units
ICU Reserve
ICU Reserve can be assigned to staff in one of three professional groups:
  • Nursing and Midwifery - RNs working outside of ICU who have critical care experience and completed local ICU Upskilling Critical Care Face to Face and supernumerary days (as determined by LHD/SHN)
  • Physiotherapy staff who are determined as Critical Care Physiotherapy Capable, could be rostered to work within ICU in their facility during periods of high activity
  • Pharmacists with previous ICU experience who are *Currently not deployed as ICU pharmacists, and *Deemed as competent in basic ICU pharmaceutical care by their facility
ICU Support
ICU Support can be assigned to staff in one of three professional groups:
  • Nursing and Midwifery - RNs with high acuity care experience and transferable skills (Theatre nurse particularly, Recovery RN, ED, CCU/HDU) or RNs who have completed MEDCAST and/or ACCCN Critical Care course or similar (as determined by LHD/SN)
  • Pharmacists (and pharmacy technicians) deemed as competent by their facility in skills which could be used to support the needs of ICU: Aseptic production, Pharmaceutical procurement, medicines information, clinical trial management
For staff who are certified and approved to administer vaccines and can manage adverse reactions when required
In Charge
In Charge
Infant, Child, Youth and Family Mental Health
Demonstrated ability to work in child and adolescent mental health units
Demonstrated ability to administer Inotropes
Demonstrated ability to handle laser in surgery
Mental Health
Demonstrated ability to work in a mental health service
Midwifery Support Program
Demonstrated ability to work in the Midwifery Support Program
Demonstrated ability to perform magnetic resonance imaging
Nasopharyngeal Swabbing
Demonstrated ability to perform nasopharyngeal swabbing
Demonstrated ability to perform navigator role
Demonstrated ability to provide healthcare of infants, children and adolescents
Demonstrated ability to provide positron emission tomography cat scan
Demonstrated ability to provide positron emission tomography magnetic resonance imaging
Demonstrated ability to provide midwifery or nursing care of patients post pregnancy
Recovery (Adult) Nurse
Demonstrated ability to provide nursing care post anaesthesia after a surgical procedure
Recovery Paediatrics
Demonstrated ability to provide care of infant, children and adolescents post anaesthesia after a surgical procedure
Respirator Fit Checking
Health worker trained to perform a fit check of P2/N95 respirators.
Respirator Fit Test Assessor
Health worker trained, assessed and certified to perform a fit test of P2/N95 respirators
Demonstrated ability to work in the resuscitation area within the emergency department
Demonstrated ability in stabilising and transporting patients with severe injury or critical illness
Scout Nurse
Demonstrated ability to work as a periop scout nurse
Scrub Nurse
Demonstrated ability to work as scrub nurse
Special Care Nursery
Demonstrated ability to work in Special Care Nursery
Demonstrated ability to work in an operating theatre
Theatre Cleaning
Demonstrated ability to perform 'theatre cleaning'
Treatment Room
Demonstrated ability to provide care and support to patients in the treatment room
Demonstrated ability to triage patients
Demonstrated ability to perform an ultrasound
Demonstrated ability to provide care and support to patients with vascular diseases
Demonstrated ability to perform venepuncture
For staff who are deemed competent to manage a patient receiving complex artificial mechanical ventilation
Demonstrated ability to perform an x-ray
X-ray Mobile
Demonstrated ability to perform a mobile x-ray

Current as at: Tuesday 29 March 2022
Contact page owner: Rostering Best Practice