Rostering Best Practice
- 147,425 Employees in NSW Health.
- 60% Budget spent on employees
- 5,695,764 In overtime hours (2019/20)
- $477 Million spent on overtime (2019/20)
- $390 Million Excess leave liability (as of Nov 2020)
Facilitate NSW Health organizations to review, educate and implement rostering improvement strategies with the objective of embedding standardized rostering practices across all hospitals, in order to provide safe, high quality and effective patient care.
Findings from statewide Rostering analysis
- A lack of formal statewide policy or guidelines that provide a framework for defining rostering
- Inconsistent rostering practices across facilities and disciplines within an organization
- The need to replace multiple legacy rostering systems with one statewide supported system for rostering and reporting
- A lack of governance or overarching approval processes over rosters to ensure they comply with industrial awards and meet patients, staff and organizational needs
- Inconsistent training, education and staff support to facilitate good rostering practice.
- Initiation – Executive sponsorship and buy in
- Diagnosis – Information sharing and data analysis
- Solution design – collaborative production of local rostering resources
- Implementation – deliver education , provide best proactive advise and embed establishment of first and second level approver
- Evaluation and sustainability – Qualitative data analysis with reporting , RBP lead recommendation, B.A.S.I.C.S – 90day challenges and masterclass
Journey outcomes
- 65,366+km travelled
- 1,648 post engagement surveys completed
- 85% post workshop evaluation completion rate
- 5,209 staff trained
- 88 facilities visited
- 728 workshop facilitated hours
- 313 workshops facilitated
- 2,644 roster managers, creators and /or approvers interviewed
- 636 information sharing hours
- 279 information sharing hours completed
- 2,640 pre-engagement surveys completed
Innovative tools
- Rostering resource manual
- Bespoke governance implementation strategies
- Rostering date matrix
- Staffing intelligence application
- Annual leave planner
- Staff rostering booklets
Collaborative relationships
- HealthRoster system
- eHealth